Jaheira wrote:Hello,
OK Listen, im crazy. My IQ is 23. I dont get this spirit thingy at all.
Im in beginning of act 2, im Good and have okku in my party. Atm i am in Town mulantir. Where in Jesus are those spirits?! How Do they look like? How Do i eat them? Is there a eating-choise or what? All those spirit essences stuff mobs drop, is it about them?? Dont get this..
//Jehira in a hurry at the metro, sry for spelling
"Spirits" or Telthors actually are outside the gates of Mulsantir (where you picked-up Okku). There are precisely 3 Telthors that spawn on that "map". They are also on the Woodman map, the lakeshore map, Well's of Lure, etc.. Most places are "spawn" *points, but a few are "placed" - like the Skein map. In the case of the gates of Mulsantir and lakeshore that spawning is on a daily schedule.
*Note: sometimes you need to get close to those spawn points for a spawn to occur.
Honestly though, as a good character you should be using *suppress* (feat) as much as possible. But make sure you aren't at the 50% or lower point on your spirit meter.
There are 3 types of "food" and are feat dependent.
1. Telthors - Devour Spirit feat grouping.
2. Undead - Eternal Rest feat.
3. Humanoids - Devour Soul feat.
As a good character you won't get the option for #3. (..actually it doesn't have anything to do with your alignment, but rather your choice to NOT devour Okku.)
Note: The Academy Class-room map can be difficult without having the Devour Soul feat. It gets even worse if you are role-playing lawful good at the end "maps".
The Eternal Rest feat really only applies to one offered "meal" in the Academy class room map, the final Eternities End map (role-playing chaotic), and of course the Death God's Vault.
..and remember (as previously mentioned), use weak physical attacks on spirits to drop their health into the critical range of "near death", but with as much health as possible in that range and THEN use your Devour Spirit feat - for max gain to your spirit meter bar. (..this is when your use of the feat kills the spirit.. and leaves an essence behind for crafting.) Beware of critical hitting Telthors - this can kill them, particularly if you are using any kind of weapon. (..I usually just use my fists or an unenchanted dagger - and remove any strength modifiers I have on at the time, all in an effort to lower my damage per hit so that I can better lower their health into that critical range without killing them and keeping as much health on them in that critical range as possible.)