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Wizard Slayer Magic Resistance

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:06 pm
by Berethor
Just the other day, I was trying to decide what class I wanted to make next so I looked at some guides online.

One said that the Wizard Slayer isn't as bad as people make it seem because they get 2% MR per level as opposed to the 1% that is listed. A few other places confirmed this.

So I decided that I wanted to make a Wizard Slayer/ I go, character creation, dice rolls, blah, blah, blah...

I get into the game and check my character page. Guess what I see?

7% MR, level 7 character.

Anyone know why I'm not getting the 14% I'm supposed to get? I have ToB installed with the patch, but do I need some kind of fix-pack or Ascension or something?

Thanks for the help.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:21 pm
by Crenshinibon
That is strange indeed.

I tried to make one in my game and he had seven magic resistance as well.

I level the character through the console and he ended up with 84% magic resistance. Perhaps the rate at which the resistance increases picks up with later levels?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:26 pm
by Berethor
Well, many websites claim that is is 2% until level 20, at which point it alternates between 5 and 1% every level.

I have never read anything telling me when the Wiz Slayer starts to gain 2%, only that it is the regular increase before level 20. I assume that it would be level 10 if all of these guides are incorrect, but it just doesn't make sense.

The first time I played a Wiz Slayer was before I had ToB. Back then, they couldn't even use potions. Maybe they lowered MR to compensate for this buff? Doubtful, but a possibility I guess.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:32 am
by Thrifalas
I'm pretty sure it's 1% and then the 5%/1% boost to a maximum of 84. At least it's always been that for me. I have no idea why sites claim that it's 2%, I've never heard of anyone gaining that.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:30 pm
by Berethor
GameFAQs: Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (PC) Class FAQ by DSimpson

Pretty reputable guide on GameFAQs by DSimpson. Check the Wizard Slayer portion and you'll see what he says. Same info is on a bunch of other sites too.

That's why I'm confused.

Note: I love that guide. It is one of the only guides that gives high praise for the Assassin class, which is the first one I beat the game with. Most other people see the low thieving stats and say "oh, no thief skills, SUXSUXSUX", but they don't see it's advantages. <3 DSimpson.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:21 pm
by Thrifalas
Berethor wrote:Note: I love that guide. It is one of the only guides that gives high praise for the Assassin class, which is the first one I beat the game with. Most other people see the low thieving stats and say "oh, no thief skills, SUXSUXSUX", but they don't see it's advantages. <3 DSimpson.
It's a fair guide, but calling carsomyr the best weapon in the game and rating the assassin as a better class then the sorcerer, I'm not going to give it all that much attention.

Anyway, obviously it is just 1% MR for whatever reason.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:29 pm
by Berethor
It might be a little out of date when it calls Carsomyr the best weapon. I think that it is talking about SoA when it says that, since the Axe of the Unyielding, Ravager, FoA(all 5 heads) etc. are all better than it by the end of ToB.

As for the Assassin being better than the Sorceror, it depends on how you look at it. Nobody would deny that the Sorc is a powerful character, however I would agree that the Assassin can be more deadly if played correctly.

By that, I mean that when playing, you exploit rings of invisibility, gaax, whatever to backstab as much as you can and as fast as you can. With a good weapon and some good stats nothing can really match your damage (x7, plus more if you use poisons).

Of course, Assassins can be a bit of a liability in boss fights where backstab will not work, but in normal fights they are quite a little powerhouse when in the right hands.