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Looking for some party members. (Slight spoiler)

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:23 am
by GawainBS
I'm thinking of playing SoA and afterwards ToB again, this time all the way through from BG1 with Tutu.
My character is going to be a dualwielding Ranger/Cleric.
In BG1, I'm going to play with Jaheira, Khalid (as a Fighter/Mage probably), Imoen, Minsc and Dynaheir.
Now, for BG2, I'm not so sure. Definitely going to keep Jaheira, since I never did her romance.
Imoen is also in. In the first part of the game, Jan will take her place.
Keldorn will also be a in the party.
Haerdalis is still on the fence. I'd take him to have a second source of Arcane Spells, but I think he's rather weak.
The last member could be Valygar, and I'll probably change his kit to Archer.

So, my question is: do you have any suggestions for other characters instead of Haerdalis & Valygar? I've already played a lot of games with Minsc in, so I'd rather leave him at the Copper Coronet.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:35 am
by fable
Are you open to using NPC mods?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:38 am
by GawainBS
If they're compatible with the Ease of Use & Fixpacks & Tutu, I have no problem with it.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:21 pm
by Coot
Melee and priest wise you're fine, but you could use more magic, not to mention thieving abilities. You might consider not dropping Jan when Imoen returns.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:47 pm
by Berethor
You could consider dropping either Valygar or Haer' Dalis for Yoshimo. Then in Chapter 4 you can replace him with Immy and still keep the magical power of Jan in your party.

After taking Yoshi, either the bard or the stalker could fit in just fine.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:01 pm
by fable
I'm in the middle of a complete run-through of the BG series. I've already decided that in BG2 I'll be using the Angelo mod: fighter/mage, lots of party interactions, sounds intriguing. (Yes, this is the same guy who took out Scar in BG1, and supported Sarevok.) Probably much more straight-forward than Haer'dalis, though you could make something out of magical protections, some decent items, and weapons.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:15 pm
by GawainBS
I don't see why my guys would want to travel with Angelo, from an RP point of view. Barring that, my previous playthroughs were with a Fighter/Mage, so I rather not repeat that. (For the sake of variation.)
Exchanging Haerdalis, instead of Jan, for Imoen might be a good idea. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:23 pm
by Berethor
What you could do if you don't want Yoshi but still plan to drop Haer' Dalis is use HD for as many quests as you want before leaving for Chapter 4, but drop him and take Yoshi before you leave. This way you can get the massive exp bonus from his associated quest.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:11 pm
by GawainBS
Good point. Thanks for pointing out.