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Spell DC

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:38 pm
by Odd Gamer
I am digging this game out again and playing through, however I am having trouble with something. The first time i went through this game I didn't pay much mind to the game mechanics of spells and mostly just went with if it causes damage it is doing what I want it too. Now having known more over the years of the rules set of 3.0 and 3.5 I am trying to figure out how the spell DC of the spells cast by characters in BG is counted up as I am wanting to organize my three different mages I will have in my group but don't know who to give what job as I do not know which one would be strongest in what field and what i can get away with, with one mage and not with the other.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:12 pm
by Crenshinibon
Baldur's Gate follows second edition rules, where the DC was non existent. I personally think you should be fine with a single sorcerer for spells.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:45 pm
by Odd Gamer
I already got my group planed out


What I can't figure out is how the saving throws are made for spells. I know that each class has a basic set of bonuses they get to it, in a system that works very similar to for,reflex,and will save of 3rd edition. But what I don't know is how you come up with the opposing saving throw for those spells. I know it is 2nd edition for the game but, I have not found anything that tells me any of the math for this in 2nd edition. In 3rd and 3.5 edition the math i want to know went

10+spell's cast level+ caster modified state (such as int for wizards)=DC

(d20+targets save)-DC=if the save was made

I know that 2nd goes by a different set up but I can't find the rules to this.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:13 pm
by galraen
It's really very simple, every creature has a set save vs Spells, this is determined by it's 'class' and level/Hit Die. The creature sbject to a spell rolls a D20, if they roll equal to or higher than their saving throw agains spell (after applying any bonuses or penalties) they save, roll lower and they fail. In AD&D rules 1 is always a fail, 20 is always a save, but it's dubious that this was actually implemented properly in BG1 & BG2.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:32 pm
by Odd Gamer
Thank you Galraen. That answered my question perfectly.

To answer earlier about the sorc, I have nothing agienst sorces, but my last play through was with one. I got my three casters split up like this this go around

Aerie- Long term buffs/short term buffs (buffs in a fight)/ healing
Immoin- Save or dies/Blaster
ME(cleric/mage)- Crowd Control/debuff/summoner

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:04 pm
by Berethor
If you're sure you're going to play a Cleric/Mage, then that's fine. But I have another suggestion.

Play a Ranger/Cleric instead. It has it's own forms of Crowd Control, and it's probably the most durable character in the game due to getting all druid spells in addition to cleric spells (this means that you get Ironskins and Insect Plague, awesome stuff). Just take up Aerie's healing duties and have her debuff enemies and you won't miss a beat.

You obviously don't have to listen to me, but it's a suggestion I think would make your party stronger.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:44 am
by thebannedone
Yeah a D20 is always rolled on any spell/ability that requires a saving throw.

Then the creature who makes the saving throw, has saving throws varying from -20 to 20, although normally in the game there isnt a creature whos saving throw(s) would be lower than 1 if i remember correctly.

Then the D20 that is rolled is compared to the specific saving throw of the creature(death, wands, breath, spells). So if a creature would have a saving throw 1 against spells, and the spell cast on it would be flesh to stone, or any other spell that doesnt modify the saving throw of the creature, then even if the creature would roll a 1, he would still save against the spell. Now if the creature would have a saving throw of 2 against spells, then his chance of saving against a similar spell would be 95%.

So with a saving throw of 1(in any category) on your own characters, they'd be protected from any such spells i mentioned above, unless affected by greater malison, doom or any other saving throw lowering spell/effect.

Now could be said a roll of 20 is always a save cause your saving throws couldnt possibly be so bad as to fail with +20 to them. Also rolling 1 doesnt mean automatic failure in bg's, but it was implemented to iwd2 where a measily goblin shaman could possibly cast a holding spell on some demigod character and succeed, so i consider this a good thing it wasnt implemented to bg series.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:23 pm
by galraen
thebannedone wrote:So with a saving throw of 1(in any category) on your own characters, they'd be protected from any such spells i mentioned above, unless affected by greater malison, doom or any other saving throw lowering spell/effect.

Now could be said a roll of 20 is always a save cause your saving throws couldnt possibly be so bad as to fail with +20 to them. Also rolling 1 doesnt mean automatic failure in bg's, but it was implemented to iwd2 where a measily goblin shaman could possibly cast a holding spell on some demigod character and succeed, so i consider this a good thing it wasnt implemented to bg series.
Is this gospel BannedOne? I've suspected for some time that the devs did screw up on saving throws, and that 1 isn't an automatic fail as it should be, but I've never actually seen it confirmed.

PS In freference to the Demi-god, don't forget it would have magic resistance, and if properly inplemented, that would mean a low level shaman wouldn't even be able to force a savng throw.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:24 am
by thebannedone
Yes its em true(not sure about gospel), its quite easy to test how the saving throws work, and yes i have tested, it didnt just pop in my mind.

About the demigod thing, i didnt actually mean a demigod but like a character of lvl 30 or so, and of course not one with magic resistance, so as far as i can remember its totally possible for a lowly goblin shaman or other low level caster to succeed in their DC, if the high lvl target rolls a 1 in IWD2.