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Bloodstalker's Tavern of Neutrality
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 6:41 pm
by Bloodstalker
Okay, with all the duel and battle tak ging on around here, I figured this would be the best place to make a quick buc....errr....offer haven to the weary of all sides of all engagements.
hey, I had to do SOMETHING to generate income after declining Waverly's offer
Here are the ground rules.
1. everyone is welcome!
2. the more you drink, the more you are welcome.
3. those who linger in the Tavern without drinking will be forcebly intoxicated. (hey, this is my place, and I have a rep to protect.)
4. All ladies who smile fetchingly at the owner...*ahem* me *ahem* will recieve favored treatment.
5. For the ladies, the price of entry drops in direct proportion to the amount of skin shown. (at the guys, any attempts to apply this rule to yourselves will be dealt with swiftly and in the manner decided upon to cause the most pain.
So, we have plaenty to drink, and my friend Ned is currently negotioting an agreement with every major alcohol distributor to keep the supplies coming in.
We have hot tubs, pool tables, private rooms, an alligator pit( feed it at your own risk, the proprieter will in no way be held responsible for any missing body parts) and every form of music known to man. *note, boy bands are not considered as music, and are therefor not applicable to above said other words, you can't sue me cause we don't play N'Sync*
so, come in, enjoy the surroundings, and drink to your hearts content.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 6:57 pm
by Aegis
*Puts his pants back on, and buttons up his shirt, muttering*
what if I'm Chaotic good?
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:06 pm
by Bloodstalker
is glad to see aegis fully dressed, he really didn't want to have to take certain measures. Remember people, the alligator is not JUST for show.
slide aegis a bottle down the bar.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:08 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>*Puts his pants back on, and buttons up his shirt, muttering*</STRONG>
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:11 pm
by Foul Dwimmerlaik
*pokes his head in and is suddenly overcome with Signature Envy, as he sees that everyone in the room has a BIGGER sig than he, and slowly he backs out, in search of a more fitting place to quench his thirst*
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:15 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Foul Dwimmerlaik:
<STRONG>*pokes his head in and is suddenly overcome with Signature Envy, as he sees that everyone in the room has a BIGGER sig than he, and slowly he backs out, in search of a more fitting place to quench his thirst*</STRONG>
If I were a psychologist, I'd write a paper on this.
Instead, I think I'll have a drink. Yo, BS, you got any Romulan Ale? Or do I have to stick with terran drinks?
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:17 pm
by Bloodstalker
Looks SS's way and nods, handing her some Romulan ale.
Didn't think I had any did ya?
So how's things?
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:26 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Bloodstalker:
<STRONG>Looks SS's way and nods, handing her some Romulan ale.</STRONG>
Thanks, that just what I need now that my first week of spring semester is over.
<STRONG>Didn't think I had any did ya?
I was worried I was gonna have to resort to drinkin' moonshine.
<STRONG>So how's things?
too bad. Things would be better if I didn't have Precalculus four days a week. Damn class is a 5 credit course. And I've got English102 every Tuesday and Thursday at 8AM.
My computer is almost dead, but I'm replacing it. I'm getting a comp that just has a motherboard, processor, and 128MB RAM. Once I add all the stuff I bought(trying to upgrade the comp I have), I'll have a comp with a P4 1.5Ghz processor, 384MB RAM, 64MB Video Card, and 40GB hard drive.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 7:39 pm
by Bloodstalker
I was worried I was gonna have to resort to drinkin' moonshine
We got that too, Ned is working on a still.
Yeah, I got classes at 8:30 am everyday of the week. that sucks
Thoat sounds like a helluva system. you are gonna be beating me by a half gig and 20 gigs of hd space.
So how is you Be doing?
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 8:04 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Bloodstalker:
<STRONG>We got that too, Ned is working on a still.
<STRONG>Yeah, I got classes at 8:30 am everyday of the week. that sucks
<STRONG>Thoat sounds like a helluva system. you are gonna be beating me by a half gig and 20 gigs of hd space.
<STRONG>So how is you Be doing?</STRONG>
*falls over, brain fried by trying to read that sentence*
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 8:10 pm
by Bloodstalker
falls over, brain fried by trying to read that sentence
Makes mental note to self....
SS should NEVER be allowed any of Ned's moonshine.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 9:20 pm
by Shadow Sandrock
Can I just have some sprite?
If I get drunk off Sprite, I can have you arrested you know
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 9:22 pm
by Shadow Sandrock
Hey WAIT a minute this is a spinoff on my post in the actual war thread XP
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 9:48 pm
by Bloodstalker
If I get drunk off Sprite, I can have you arrested you know
Stops in the middle of spiking the Sprite, considers the money he would have to spend to get out of jail, hands Sandy a freshly opened, unspiked sprite.
Hey WAIT a minute this is a spinoff on my post in the actual war thread XP
Sigh......I suppose you'll be wanting a share in the profits then?
By the way, how goes the COMM/Spam war?
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 10:04 pm
by Gwalchmai
Gwally walks in just as there is a large explosion in a back room. Evidently Ned's still has exploded. Ned stumbles out. Either his clothing has been blown off in the explosion, or he hasn't been wearing clothes since Halloween. Gwally suspects the later seeing as how Ned is busy licking moonshine from his own arms, hands, feet, legs,....
. Bloodstalker becomes enraged at Ned’s display of too much male skin, and fishes a baseball bat out from behind the bar. Gwally thinks it might be a little too late to start drinking and runs from the bar.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 9:22 am
by Vivien
Originally posted by Gwalchmai:
<STRONG>Gwally walks in just as there is a large explosion in a back room. Evidently Ned's still has exploded. Ned stumbles out. Either his clothing has been blown off in the explosion, or he hasn't been wearing clothes since Halloween. Gwally suspects the later seeing as how Ned is busy licking moonshine from his own arms, hands, feet, legs,....
. Bloodstalker becomes enraged at Ned’s display of too much male skin, and fishes a baseball bat out from behind the bar. Gwally thinks it might be a little too late to start drinking and runs from the bar.</STRONG>
Just what kind of a bar is this?!
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 9:29 am
by Shadow Sandrock
*changes Bloodstalker's name to Molly Pitcher...*
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 10:12 am
by Morlock
I am posting just cause I have to keep up appeirences. (Or that's what my publicist says)
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 10:41 am
by Bloodstalker
LMAO @Gwally.
replaces baseball bat behind bar as he is to drunk to catch Ned.
Stres in the direction of the explosion, well, this has GOT to be in violation of some kind of fire code. Begins to write the check to pay off the local inspectors.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 10:43 am
by Bloodstalker
Posted by Viv
Just what kind of a bar is this?!
The kind that is immediatly classed up by your presence.
Have a beer?