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Icewind dale 2 Chapter 3 Barrow wright
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:05 pm
by charley
In the fell wood meeting up with Carynara she states to follow a path after finding a pond. So far I have not found any pond . I have completed all tasks
in order but need the starting point to complete this task . Where is the pond ? and where is the starting point .
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:22 am
by roller1234
Spoiler: (highlight to read)
After speaking with Hunter's Ghost, head back to the map where you found Sordirsin's drinking horn - the map with the little stone circle. There are now four exits from this map. Take the south-east exit to find a pond. If your ranger got advice from Carynara, this is the pond she told you to use as a jumping-off point to get deeper into the woods. With Wilderness Lore you can...
From Sorcerer's Place walkthough, Gamebanshee has one too, in the upper left corner of this page.
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 7:28 pm
by charley
Icewind Dale 2 Chapter 3 Barrow Wright task
I have met upwith Carynara, and she has told me directions which start at a pond , I am looking for the Horn. Can any one help steer me in the proper direction. I have met all requirements leading upto entering the Fell woods
looking for the horn. Where is the horn located at?
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 7:48 pm
by dragon wench
Hi Charley,
first of all, please do not post duplicate threads as it can slow down the site. I am deleting your other thread on the same topic.
As to your question, [url=""]The Game Banshee Walkthrough[/url] provides some very detailed answers, maps included. I strongly suggest giving it a look.
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:43 pm
by uruloki
doesnt help
i understand why you deleted his post however the information posted doesnt help at all. caus eim using the walkthrough and im at the same point, and it doesnt say where to go and the helper's spoiler doesnt help, becaus eI'm LOOKING for the horn. so telling me to go where i found it and start there isnt helpful. so im still lost, but i just wanted to clarify that question.
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:03 pm
by uruloki
update for barrow wight
To update my previous post and try to be of some use to others on here i finally made my way through to the horn. from carynara, it's SE,NE,SE,NW,SE.
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:40 am
by Darth Malignus
Sometimes, using Wilderness Lore in the woods can give you a hint where to go. The trails you´ll wanna take show activity or show signs that it has been used recently. Something like that.