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Vault 87 glitch (spoiler)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:21 am
by Belthan
Read on to see an interesting glitch. I tagged the major spoilers, but the description of how to see the glitch gives away some locations involved in the main quest, so caveat emptor. I'm playing on 360 at the moment, so I'm not sure if the same thing happens on PC, but it's worth a look.

To see this you need to be fairly far along in the main quest (spoiler:
after escaping from Raven Rock but before reporting back to the Citadel
). At that point, I wasn't in much of a hurry to continue the main quest. I hadn't finished exploring Vault 87 (for reasons that are obvious if you've played the main quest up to that point), and I still had a map marker for it that said "you haven't discovered that location yet". So, I went back to Vault 87 the same way I did the first time and continued poking around. The door that previously required a key (spoiler:
the one the Enclave guys who kidnapped me came through
) was now open. I explored a few rooms and found the vault entrance. I activated it, assuming I would come out on the world map at the Vault 87 map marker, but I was wrong (spoiler:
you end up in a featureless void
). Apparently Bethesda didn't expect anybody to do that.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:34 am
by Darth_Ruin
Just tried that myself on the PC and got the same outcome.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:00 pm
by Dizha
Well, I don't think that it was ever the point to go out the main intrance of the vault. As Fawkes says, the place is radiated on a massive level, so exiting the main entrance would kill you instantly..

I tried running to the map marker out in the open, but when i reached a Radiation level on 100 rads pr. second, I turned around.. I think that's why they haven't made that area. ;)

Though, it's a bit strange the door is there, then.. It should have been blocked or something.. :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:45 am
by Dizha
Ran to the vault intrance today, and had to use god mode to get out of there alive :laugh:

When i reached the map marker, my radiation had been over 900 rads 11 times.. There was a radiation on 500 rads pr. sec, so you need a lotta' RadAway, if you want the map marker.. Again, it's probably not the point to go there, the radiation level is huge. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:41 pm
by feenicks007
sort of on the same thread

I discovered the same thing, but I was there for another reason. When the Enclave took me away to RR, I had Charon with me, when I awoke from RR, he was nowhere to be found. I went back to Vault 87 hoping to find him there waiting for me (similar to when I entered the Tranquility Lane) he wasn't there, but I explored the rest of the map and ended up finding the nothingness outside the vault door. I think the I saw the rockbiter in there, but I can't be sure (please someone get that reference).

Does anyone know where my faithful companion might have gone to? I got Fawkes out of the deal, but Charon was carrying most of the special weapons, and if nothing else, I want them back.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:38 am
by Dizha
I believe that your companions return to where you found them, when you "leave" them like that..

For an example, Dogmeat returnes to Vault 101.
And so i think, and only think, that Charon returnes to Undercity.. So check Undercity.

And if he's not there, i quess you gotta load..

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:02 am
by Belthan
Yep, for me he was in the bar in Underworld where I first met him.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:43 pm
by medkev
Glitch and Search

So a friend of mine and I were trying to unlock Vault 87 on the map, so that it could be fast traveled to. Is it even possible?

We went the back way through Little Lamplight. We overdosed on Rad-X and donned the advanced radiation suit and made a running charge to the front entrance (and made it to the door before we died, fingers grazing the door as our body fell). Still wound up with "You have not idscvovered this location yet" on the world map. We've already gone through the plotlines, done all related quests, and explored every nook and cranny (By the way, you don't need Fawkes to retrieve the GECK, just move quickly and myabe pop a couple Rad-x's). Anyone know if Vault 87 is even "discoverable"?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:59 pm
by GoldDragon
It is. The marker point is just on the far side of the rocks, coming from the SE. If you reach the body of the scientist, you have gone too far.

However, at that point, the Rads level is over 300/sec (and over 900/sec + near the door), so it really isn't worth it. To map it, I had nearly 50 Radaways and 53 Rad-X's, and was wearing T-51b armor.

After mapping, and retreating to safety, I still had the Armor, but was down to 2 EACH of the other radiation supplies. And since you can NEVER enter the vault thru the front door, there really isn't much point to doing so.

Except bragging rights, of course.