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Someone please tell me how

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:23 pm
by bandit11
I have a few people who want to play online with me. THe problem is, I can't figure out how! I enter the game, with multiplayer, hit 'internet', and I've tried both IP and Gamespy but I can't figure out how. I put in a name and game name but what's a 'CD key?' This is getting frusterating :mad:

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:49 am
by pwcook
The cd key should be on one of the cd sleeves in the case

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:24 pm
If you got CE1.5...

it should come in a small packet or it should be stuck to something. it's like a long white sticker with something like 0000-0000-0000-0000 the zeros have both numbers as letters. it should be put in like it is shown. if you threw that cd key out, dude I only wish you luck in getting a new one.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:17 pm
by bandit11
thanks, but

thank you for your reply, but i still haven't found it for sure...I've looked on my sleeves (there's a long white bar that's hard and like a 1/4 inch thick that's stuck to one sleeve, but there's only 2 letters on that), plus there's a number in the same white box as the bar code on the back, and it has the numbers separate by (-) but that didn't work. I'm not sure what to do!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:20 pm
by bandit11
Oh, sorry, I have the Collector's Edition, is that the same as l.5? I'm a newbie at the multiplayer and don't know much about the different versions and such...sorry!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:57 am
by swcarter
The CD key is never on the box. It's always going to be with the materials inside the box, either on a CD sleeve or on the manual somewhere.

Version 1.5 is the Collector's Edition.

For what it's worth, from what I've read in these forums, multiplayer doesn't work very well. People always report problems with quests breaking, and I don't think I ever saw anybody claim that they were actually able to complete the campaign playing with others.


Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:06 am
the quests were set for online play to split

dw bradley had not thought about this before.

as it probably didn't cross his mind until the release was already made.
Further more the quests are still set to solo.

for example, Say the vampire quest. She only drops one heart right?
alll dw bradly had to actually do was to set of a share quest system, There for if one picks it up the others share the quest. in any case one person gets the quest and that quest automaticly shared with the rest of the groups.

on the other hand if they were sharing it wouldn't matter who turned in the quest as long as the whole party was there to take the quest.

so all dw bradley has to do is set up a share quests system.
also sharing items such as keys would help too.
Hopefully he will do this in the next games and consider a more pleasing game play experience.

we can do right now in hopes is pray and have high hopes of it being better than it was set to on this game. though our hopes may be let down.
I have to agree the game is still good. but then again personally.
I have not had any problems, no bugs, no glitches, I have had nought, zip, nothing, zilch, notta cosplat.

so in any case If i had these problems I'd think again and have my second thoughts.


Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:07 pm
by IMAD!man
Okay If one person gets the quest .. there are five of us playing by the way.. then what happens? We wont be able to proceed? I mean if one person completes the quest isnt that all that is needed to allow us to move forward in the game?