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Problems with Raksasha...? lol

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:39 pm
by Qeed
Im a lvl 12 sorcerer soloing and i have huge problems killing the Raksasha in the sewers... It feel ridiculus because i have never had problems with him before :S Now i cant hit him... Doesnt say resist or anything if i cast spells.... And when i tensers transform I cant hit him with sling slashing or crushing dmg... I have used secret word lower resist and Spell Thrust... nothing seem to hit him...

ANy ideas? :S

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:45 pm
by fable
Have you tried Confusion on him and his followers? When they turn on him, you can try a Summons. Or a couple of nice Fireballs. They usually do the trick.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:14 pm
by Qeed
Fireballs dont hit him.... :S maybe i have a bug?

As i said im a sorc so i have limited spell capacity... dont have confusion... but maybe i can buy a scroll hmmmmm....

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:59 pm
by Apsis
Rakshasas are immune to spells up to (and including) 7th level(maybe 8 i'm not sure) so Fireballs won't hit him :D . Try activating the feedback rolls so you can see whether you can't hit him due to your bad thac0 or something else. Are you by any chance fatigued?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:14 pm
by Qeed
ney im not fatigue

He isnt hurt by cloudkill and thats 6th or 7th.... so i guess ill have to buy som expensive scrolls.... :(

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:17 pm
by fable
Fireballs of course don't hit him, but they do take out his friends. Which was the point. ;) And as I wrote, Confusion is even better, because it can turn some of his party into his opponents. Rakshasas also aren't immune to spells up to the 7th or 8th level in BG2; they're very resistant. If you can buy yourself time to lower that resistance, it's a lot easier.

And for buying time, I suggested Summons.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:38 pm
by Apsis
My memory may be cloudy about the number but i'm pretty sure they are immune to spells up to some level, Cloudkill (it's 5th level) will also not work. I dont know why you cant hurt him but summons may work if you can't deal physical damage fast. By the way by saying his 'friends' are we really talking about the kobolds around him? They are kobolds!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:48 pm
by fable
Apsis wrote:By the way by saying his 'friends' are we really talking about the kobolds around him? They are kobolds!
And he's playing a single character party, and a sorc, at that. So he can deal with the kobolds (fireball), and let the rakshasa get to him, or he can ignore the kobolds while dealing with the rakshasa, and let them potentially interrupt his spells. Or he can do a minor cheat, and put up some spells before arrival that let him gain immunity to the kobolds and their arrows. In any case, why not use those little idiots against the rakshasa, with Confusion? Because then, you can Summon some attackers who aren't going to be distracted by the kobolds, either. You want your helpers to focus entirely on the rakshasa, and a 12th level sorc should have the spells for that.

I've never soloed, but I recall using a fireball to clear away the little twits and then sending my melee types rushing in with enchanted weapons to hack away at the rashasa before he could launch any mischief. Not unlike the deal with the supposedly kind old lady at another point in the tale, where Fireballs and Cloudkills took care of the hidden rakshasa's pals, while the melee types crowded around Ms. Tiger Head and kept her away from my casters.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:29 pm
by thebannedone
Rakshasa's are immune to under lvl 8th spells, also his kobold minions cant really hurt him since hes also normal weapon immune, not to mention he has -9 AC.

So your only options pretty much are using melf's mini meteors(only the physical dmg goes trough) or summons(invisible stalker or spiders at your level) to hurt him, well you could try enchanted darts or bullets, though with his AC you probably wont hit him with those aside a critical.

Best thing to do would be probably to cast protection from normal weapons or recasts of mirror image/stoneskin and tank him yourself while letting the sword spiders/stalker do the hurting. Or you could try charming one of the fighters from the party residing above there and kill the rakshasa with him.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:36 pm
by fable
thebannedone wrote:Rakshasa's are immune to under lvl 8th spells, also his kobold minions cant really hurt him since hes also normal weapon immune, not to mention he has -9 AC.
I successfully hurt him with spells by first lowering his resistance, and have done this in two separate run-throughs. (Whatever the rules may often say, Black Isle often didn't employ them in the game.) Nobody's suggesting the kobolds can hurt him--only that getting them out of the way allows a soloing sorc to use a Summons that will go directly for the rakshasa. Focusing on it is infinitely preferable to having the kobolds argue with whatever you've summoned, and have the rakshasa focus on you.

Melf's would work, but only as an adjunct to a summons. As I see it, you really don't want that rakshasa wailing away on or getting off spells at your PC while you're shooting off meteors. Though a combination of Boots of Speed and Melf's might work--out-running spells and attacks, turning around to employ Melf's. Getting out of visible range and recasting Melf's when you run out. Still, I think Summons are the best way to simulate melee party members, keeping the rakshasa engaged.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:02 pm
by galraen
The Rakshasa in the sewers (the one with the Sewer Cloak) has a base Armour Class of -4, Dexterity of 19 and the Cloak should take it down to -9. A twlefth level mage using Tensers (if I recall correctly) should hit it on a roll of 18 or higher. The Rakshasa is also immune to non-magical weapons however, so for each +1 of the weapon obviously deduct one, so a seventeen in effect should hit it, that is not taking into account any strength bonuses or buffing. Note the kobolds would be unable to hit him as they aren't using magic weapons as far as his weapon resistance is concerned.

He is also immune to spells of 7th level or lower, and there is no way of altering this, it's an item effect (Rakring).

The Kobolds of course can be taken down by normal means, a fireball for instance. So skulking around the perimiter using invisibility to pick them off is one option, but that still leaves the problem of the Rakshasa. You shouldn't have any problems finding a +2 weapon you can use, a strength spell plus being hasted should help.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:06 pm
by fable
galraen wrote:He is also immune to spells of 7th level or lower, and there is no way of altering this, it's an item effect (Rakring).
Could one of the standard mods be changing this? Because I distinctly remember on two separate occasions lowering its resistance, and nabbing it with a few lower level direct attacks, like acid arrows. Frankly, I've always been surprised at how easily the rakshasa goes down before a relatively inexperienced party.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:25 pm
by galraen
Thing is Fable he doesn't have any resistances, 0 across the board. Now it is possible that there is a glitch that could comeinto play. I recall that there have been numerous times when an item shouldn't be able to hit a target, but the item's effect still works. So although an Acid Arrow can't hit the Rakshasa (it has +1 to hit, but isn't plus one for what it can hit), the acid effect might well still kick in. The acid in question isn't a spell, therfore bypasses the ring's defence, the fact that it shouldn't trigger isn't catered for by the engine.

PS considering the above, the Kobolds with Fire Arrows could actually hurt the Rakshasa. Some experimentation is in order.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:29 pm
by fable
galraen wrote:Thing is Fable he doesn't have any resistances, 0 across the board. Now it is possible that there is a glitch that could comeinto play. I recall that there have been numerous times when an item should be able to hit a target, but the item's effect still works. So although an Acid Arrow can't hit the Rakshasa (it has +1 to hit, but isn't plus one for what it can hit), the acid effect might well still kick in. The acid in question isn't a spell, therfore bypasses the ring's defence, the fact that it shouldn't trigger isn't catered for by the engine.
Damn--that could explain it. As well as that ring (whose name I forget) that bypasses resistances completely. Thanks for the clarification!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:31 pm
by galraen
Check my edit of my last post Fable.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 7:45 pm
by fable
Interesting point: so there's a possibility that the kobolds could do damage on the rakshasa. Similarly, Jan's bursters might paralyze for this reason, even though the weapon itself would be hard-pressed to do any reasonable damage.

Too bad I'm preparing for a run-through of Oblivion with about 80 mods, to exercise my new dual core machine, due next week. :D Or I'd rush up a test on this.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:55 am
by Jimwth
fable wrote:As well as that ring (whose name I forget) that bypasses resistances completely.
I think it's the Ring of Ram.

Also, I'd suggest trying some wands which cast cloudkill when used (I forgot their name :o ) - I think they might work on rakshasa. I managed to kill tons of mindflayers with them, so...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:20 am
by thebannedone
If your thinking about melf acid arrow then that does nothing against a Raksasha, any type of arrow besides normal can hurt a raksasha though since all of them are considered magical, but without enchantment number(except arrows of piercing +1).

In the question of fire and cold arrows the elemental dmg is considered a lvl 6 spell so it wont go trough, acid arrows acid is not considered a spell however and will penetrate spell level protections.

Also wands wont work cause their powers are also considered as spells of the equivalent level.

Ring of Ram does work(the knockback effect does not pierce mr), although i doubt you have it at that point.

I wouldnt try using the kobolds against the raksasha, they have far too low thac0, damage and attacks per round to be effective.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:49 am
by Qeed
Problem solved... This was on of my first fight after Irenicus dungeos so i didnt have much gold or eqipment yet... But i did found a scroll of Abi'hezzzars writings (or something... :P ) It did the trick! He went down together with his little cowbolt friends :D

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:21 am
by Saros
Well, then it seems that Rakshasas are vulnerable to lvl 8 spells.

Your Sorcerer indeed on very seldom occasions will be able to hit a Rakshasa. In the vanilla game, I usually use Mordenkainen Swords vs Rakshasas, but be advised, that some of them use Death Fog, which kills summons outright. At higher levels, a (Fallen) Planetar will kill them without any trouble. You may also try Energy Blades. As for that particular sewer rakshasa, I usually use the Golem Manual, found inside Watcher's keep, lvl 1. If you play with only SoA insalled (or your Sorcerer does not have enough Intelligence to use the Tome of Golems), then you may try the Efreeti Bottle instead.

If your Sorcerer has any Draw Upon Holy Might innate Bhaal powers (and your character has either innate STR of 18 or the Strength spell), you may use those to increase your STR and DEX, allowing your Sorcerer to hit the Rakshasa in melee quite often. With the Staff of Rynn, which can be easily bought, and the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, your chances increase even further, so you literally may try to take a Rakshasa in pure melee. Missile weapons may be of even greater use, since if you obtain the Crimson Dart, for example (WK lvl 1), it is a +3 weapon which sets your APR to 3, with Improved Haste - 6, which dramatically increases your chances of hitting the Rakshasa. Melf's minute meteors are even better in this case.