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Concept Character: Demon Summoner/dark magic

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:55 pm
by TheNightMayor
Alright, I did a quick search and I haven't seen anything similar to this concept. Basically, the idea is a solo character (either a cleric or a mage) whose main battle tactic is summoning pit fiends and the like to destroy enemies, and also employing insta-kill spells such as finger of death, disintegrate and slay living.

Basically I think there are four ways of playing this character:

Cleric/Mage: Obviously the best, as doom, glitterdust and greater mallison would make the death spells viable, and you'd have multiple options for demons/FoD as well as having both disintegrate and slay living

Wild Mage: NRD lets you summon your fiends, and to be honest, I think a Chaotic Evil Wild Mage could be RP'd as just the type of nut job to rely on demon summonings to advance his personal fame and fortune

Cleric of Talos: Not really a power choice, especially since you only have one type of demon and FoD is also a level 7 spell, but RP-wise another goody

Sorcerer: Another good RP option. Some sort of connection to the Abyss that allows him to innately call demons

Well, I'm basically looking for thoughts/solo viability (currently just entered the drow city on my first playthrough in about 3 years using a party. Planning on trying to solo one of the following concepts after I finish ToB). I'd really like to have a nice RP concept because I'd like to write an Elmonster-styled fan-fiction to go along with the playthrough. Also wondering if there's any mods that would make playing such a character more enjoyable/do-able. I appreciate any feedback, thanks!

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:01 am
by Thrifalas
Why not a fighter/cleric? He doesn't only summon Demons, he leads them in battle. ;) But yeah, if you're only into summons and magic, a cleric/mage sounds like the funniest choice considering the amount of spells that you have available.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:03 am
by Thrar
Remember that you don't get XP for anything killed by demons, even if you summoned them. With that in mind, the fighter/cleric option might be a better choice, using the demons mainly to distract and badly wound your enemies.

Another thing about the general concept is that the spells you'll need will almost exclusively be high level. The lowest demon summon is level 7 I think. There's disintegrate on level 6, which is the lowest insta-kill spell I can think of. Ok, there's chromatic orb (with a big save bonus), but I'm not sure if that's what you had in mind...
So I'm wondering, what are you going to fill all the low-level spell slots with?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:37 am
by TheNightMayor
Thanks for the reminder about not getting XP. I guess any level that doesn't have a spell that matches my description would be used for fast casting damage spell in an attempt to steal the kill and get experience. A fighter/cleric was my first. Idea for such a character but I think a pure caster fits my concept better.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:17 pm
by TheNightMayor
Well I've done some googling but I can't find a mid that gives xp for demon kills. Does anyone know if there's one out there? Thanks!