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Help, I have a question.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:28 am
by Sereth1728
I have a pretty simple question for Icewind dale 1. Is there a way to play as a half-orc. I want to play as a multi, or dual class cleric/thief and I am not sure which way to go about it. I am planning to solo the game with this char, so it's going to need to be powerful. Should I start as a cleric then go to a thief. Which level should I dual over. Or...... is there a mod to be able to make the game playable as a half-orc. Can anyone help me with this?
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:58 am
by GawainBS
As far as I know, there's no way to play the game as a Half-Orc.
If you want to dual a Cleric/Thief, you'll have to be human. Start with a Thief, and then go into Cleric after Thief lvl 6 or 7. Pretty important, since Clerics are a lot more powerful than Thieves. For a multiclass Cleric/Thief, you have to be a Gnome.
As for soloing, I know it's possible. But I never did that, so I leave the question to others.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:46 pm
by kmonster
You can create a gnome cleric/thief and use an editor to edit the stats, reduce the thieving skills, remove the saving throw bonuses and select the human avatar if you want to get as close to half-orc as possible.
But I'd just avoid the cheating efforts and play a gnome instead. A good aligned gnome can use the best helm in the game.
I recommend multiclass, but dualclass will work too, as will pure thief or cleric. If you start as cleric I recommend cleric9/thief x, this will yield the most HP, some useful spells and a relatively short dualclassing period.
If you start as thief consider that you'll be able to raise your dex and thieving skills with the DUHM spell later, so you don't have to get lockpicking or trapfinding very high before dualclassing, stealth will help more during the game. 5 thief levels should be enough for backstabx3, 40-50 lockpicking, trapfinding and some stealth, each additional thief level will cost 2 extra HP and a few XP and yield 20 extra skill points.
If you want perfect thieving skills you can wait until level 10-11 before dualclassing, but the dualing period will be quite long. Taking more than 11 thief levels is too expensive.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:35 pm
by Sereth1728
That's the problem though. I want to have the least amount of waiting involved. Is it possible if I can just get to lvl 3 in cleric and then go to a thief. The thing is I want to be able to be use a few summoning spells and then go to a thief. That way the summons will do the work while I get sneak attacks going with crippling strike. Hold person I figured would be one of my main offensive spells. Also, I have a few more questions if you don't mind, since you guys are very wise in this area. What's the best way to experience farm in the beginning of icewind dale. I'm looking for easy monsters to defeat so I can regain my abilities fast.
And also, say I was to get to lvl 5 as a cleric and then chang over to a thief. Would my (thaco) or attack still improve every two levels as a thief or will it just stop because that happened in baldurs gate 2 when i dual classed a fighter into a thief. Does anyone have any advice that would help solve these questions?
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:14 pm
by GawainBS
In IWD, more than 5-6 Thief levels are basicly useless. You're much better off starting as a thief and then going to Cleric. They have very powerful spells, better HP, better saves and equal THAC0. A lvl 3 or 5 Cleric would become obsolete very quickly and your summons will die in a few hits.
Your THAC0 will keep increasing, since both classes use the same. In BGII, your Fighter had a better THAC0 than a Thief, so the thief didn't get an increase in THAC0.
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:38 pm
by kmonster
Clerics actually have a better thac0 progression than thieves (+2 every 3 levels instead of +1 every 2 levels).
I don't think that a dualclassed cleric/thief uses the cleric thac0 even if the thief's thac0 is better, but even if this happens there's an easy way to fix this.
You need at least 5 cleric levels for the "animate dead" spell, but more cleric levels are better. If you take 9 cleric levels you'll start dualclassing early in chapter 2 and finish in the same chapter. Most of chapter 1 you'll be fighting undead, so you'll be happier playing a cleric than a thief.
The easiest location for XP farming is the southeastern tomb in the Vale of shadows, each time you reenter new skeletons respawn. For harder monsters you can get interrupted resting outside in the VoS by Yetis or in Dragon's Eye. The monsters in the first cave in Dorn's Deep also do respawn when you leave and reenter.
Levelling as thief has its benefits, you do more and more sneak attack damage and better crippling strikes.
But levels are capped at 30 and even without TotL installed you'll get more than 12,000,000 XP, so a cleric/thief multiclass will reach level 30 in both classes before the end and be far superior to dualclass versions which will only reach 30 levels in one class. Thanks to the better thac0 and spell support even the sneak attacks will be much deadlier.
If summoning is the only reason for taking cleric levels you'd better take a fighter/mage/thief multiclass instead. You get more attacks, better thac0, 18/00 strength, weapon specialisation, better spells and can backstab with other weapons than lousy clubs and staves.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:49 am
by GawainBS
Are you sure about the THAC0? I think that Priests (Clerics & Druids) and Rogues (Thief & Bard) had the same THAC0: 2 per 3 levels, pretty much like they have medium BAB in 3.5. It would make Thief even a worse choice.
THAC0 uses the best of the ones available: if you dualclassed from a Thief with THAC0 18, you'll start using the Cleric THAC0 as soon as it drops below 18.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:45 am
by kmonster
100 % sure about the thac0 progression. You can check it by reading the .2da file in your override folder or by searching Dan Simpson's (or other) AD&D rules faq.
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:58 am
by GawainBS
Oh, the wizard's THAC0 is even worse then the Thief's. Hence my mistake. Jay for the logic of AD&D!