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Weimer Upgrade _ Fulcrum vs Pitchwife

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:58 pm
by kiwidoc
After playing the great [url=""]Weimer Item Upgrade[/url] mod for over a year I finally decided to once and for all figure out which of these two uber-clubs is the better weapon. It took quite a lot of brain stretching, and a wee bit of research so I decided to save other people the time and the neuronal strain.


With * Proficiency
To hit = + 6
Attacks = 1/0
Damage Normal: 6 - 11
Acid: 5
Silvers: 12
1st Rnd: 14 - 21
TOTAL: 23 - 34

With ** Proficiency
To hit = + 7
Attacks = 3/2
Damage Normal: 8 - 13
Acid: 5
Silvers: 12
1st Rnd: 16 - 23
TOTAL: 25 - 36

nb. Magic resistant skeletons still take the full 5 acid and slivers damage (with resistance of 1) giving 2 damage per round (total of 8 ) TOTAL 19 - 24
Shadow Fiends take no acid damage, but take the full 3 from slivers TOTAL 18 - 23


If the character has * in clubs, Grand Mastery gives +2 to hit, +3 to damage, and an

extra 2/2 attacks per round
If the character has ** in clubs, Grand mastery gives +1 to hit and +1 to damage over

and above the usual hit

Stats (for ALL levels base proficiency)

To hit: +6
Attacks = 3/2
Damage Normal: 8 - 13 (+4 each for evil/good, lawful/chaotic)
Shards: 8
1st Rnd: 18 - 23 (plus 0 - 8 )
TOTAL: 16 - 29 (plus 0 - 8 )

If your character has only * in clubs, then FULCRUM is by far the better weapon.
If your character has ** or more, then for enemies two steps away from true nuetral

FULCRUM is marginally better, for all others PITCHWIFE is better - and you can get it earlier!

Last but most definitely not least ... THANKYOU to Westley Weimer for a cool and fun mod (Cue standing ovation)