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[Bug] Jaheira won't shut up

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:57 am
by Majorman
*probably spoilers*

I'm playing the Vanilla SoA (ToB not installed) game with the latest patch, G3 Tweakpack and Fixpack installed. I just completed Adalon's ques and she teleported me to the Underdark exit. We slashed some drows and Adalon left. And the JAheira started babbling the same thing over and over again:
"JAHEIRA: Ah, the dawning of our day, though it is very rarely that we seem to match our sleep to the cycle of day or night."
Every time I finish that dialogue, it takes her 5 secunds to start it over again. So is there a way to fix it? Variables maybe? Or should I kick her out in hope that she won't be mad at me and join the party once more when I get to Atcathla?
P.S. Forgot to mention - I'm currently romancing Jaheira.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:15 am
by AvatarOfLight
Make a backup before attempting this of course.

But try this console command while mousing over Jaheira's portait:

Sorcerer's Place - Download

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:53 am
by Majorman
That worked. Many thanks.