OC: Works Bard as a Rougue?
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:35 am
Hello all!
I'm new to this game and therefor have probably some newbie questions
I've read a bit about NWN2 (without MotB for now) and the NPCs you can add to your party. The main problem for me is that I'm used to play the Infinity Engine games like BG and IWD and therefor am not really satisfied with just 3 companions along my main char.
When I think now about a 4 player party, I cannot ignore the 4 basic classes that every party should include: Melee tank (Paladin, Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian), Healer/Buffer (Cleric, Druid), Caster (Sorcerer, Wizard) and Rougue. I wonder now if I could play a bard as my main char and so leave Neeshka as a rougue out of my party. Disarm Traps and Open Locks are cross-skills for a bard though and I dont know now if a bard can replace a rougue in the party? I read already that a pure-rougue (like Neeshka) is not necessary in NWN2, but is a bard enough to fill this hole or would he suffer from it in his bard-abilities?
Along with that I have another question. I used to play a male Drow bard in IWD II and really liked him. Later on I added wizard levels, as it is the favourite class of male drow. IWD II had no prestige classes though and I wonder now: If I create a drow bard in NWN2 now and level him up to say level 10, could I then add prestige class levels without suffering from xp penalites, as none of the chosen classes were his favourite one (wizard)? Or is it no good idea to create a drow bard? It worked in IWD II and I for my part like it because as a drow you get +2 on DEX, INT and CHA, but I've no experience with NWN2 and it could be different there.
I hope you can help me with these questions. I hope they are not already posted somewhere on the forum. I searched a bit around but couldnt find answers so far.
I'm new to this game and therefor have probably some newbie questions
When I think now about a 4 player party, I cannot ignore the 4 basic classes that every party should include: Melee tank (Paladin, Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian), Healer/Buffer (Cleric, Druid), Caster (Sorcerer, Wizard) and Rougue. I wonder now if I could play a bard as my main char and so leave Neeshka as a rougue out of my party. Disarm Traps and Open Locks are cross-skills for a bard though and I dont know now if a bard can replace a rougue in the party? I read already that a pure-rougue (like Neeshka) is not necessary in NWN2, but is a bard enough to fill this hole or would he suffer from it in his bard-abilities?
Along with that I have another question. I used to play a male Drow bard in IWD II and really liked him. Later on I added wizard levels, as it is the favourite class of male drow. IWD II had no prestige classes though and I wonder now: If I create a drow bard in NWN2 now and level him up to say level 10, could I then add prestige class levels without suffering from xp penalites, as none of the chosen classes were his favourite one (wizard)? Or is it no good idea to create a drow bard? It worked in IWD II and I for my part like it because as a drow you get +2 on DEX, INT and CHA, but I've no experience with NWN2 and it could be different there.
I hope you can help me with these questions. I hope they are not already posted somewhere on the forum. I searched a bit around but couldnt find answers so far.