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Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 4:26 pm
by GrimReaper
I don't know if everyone has seen his supposed predictions, but they were kind of scary. Anyways, I just found something very interesting. Check [url=""]here[/url] and tell me what you think.

Edit: I changed the site, it should work now.

[ 09-13-2001: Message edited by: GrimReaper ]

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 4:31 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by GrimReaper:
<STRONG>I don't know if everyone has seen his supposed predictions, but they were kind of scary. Anyways, I just found something very interesting. Check [url=""]here[/url] and tell me what you think.</STRONG>
GR, I couldn't follow your link for some reason, but several altered versions of Nostradamus profecies are circulating. Please read the "America is falling" and "Please read" threads.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 4:34 pm
by Aegis
Notradamus, and his predictions have always fascinated me, and they're actually my inspiration to study philosphy. I find it amazing that his predictions have been almost dead on...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 4:40 pm
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Notradamus, and his predictions have always fascinated me, and they're actually my inspiration to study philosphy. I find it amazing that his predictions have been almost dead on...</STRONG>
Aegis, I agree the prophecies are interesting. However, one should be careful not to read too much into it. It's poetry, so it's very open to interpretation. And it saddens me that many people become worried because of the prophecies...

Imagine how many people who believed in his prophecies, must have been frightend like hell in July 1999. (The time when Nostradamaus predicited the 3rd great war would occur - although he said the enemy would be the Mongols, IIRC.)

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 12:36 am
by ki-master2
Those predictions are bull**** because if it's true they could have prevent it no?I think this nostradamus **** is evil crap that disrespects the victims and upsets their friends and families.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 2:45 am
by Garcia
Notradamus is a geek! I have read his "predictions" and to tell you the truth it was like reading my horoscope "this month you will have a problems with your girl/boy friend", "this month you will have money problems" no sh1t sherlock first of all he made like god knows how many "predictions" and second they were "wide" you can link them to many different things and they where very relative. so chances that some of them can reassemble some thing that happened today are very big. I am far from impressed.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 4:18 am
by Rob-hin
Hasn't anybody thought of the possibility that the ones who have done/planned it, have also read Nostradamus?

If they have read it, they could have used it for one reason or an other.
Copy the dates ect. en voila! Nostradamus was right... (Pff yeah right)

I don't think Nostradamus knew what was going to happen now or later. He has made a lot of predictions, one of them is bound to be at least close.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 6:30 am
by Yshania
Posted by Rob-hin -

If they have read it, they could have used it for one reason or an other.
Copy the dates ect. en voila! Nostradamus was right... (Pff yeah right)
With the time and resources that go into planning something on the magnitude of what happend in the US, I personally doubt very much whether the organisation would stop for a minute and try to coincide their intentions with the predictions of a western poet/philosopher. (I realise you are not saying they did :) )

I have read a fair bit of Nostra in the past. As Garcia said - it does read a lot like a horoscope and after a while you stop absorbing it.

After all, the passages first need translation which could lose part of the meaning - then they are open to interpretation.

The problem is, every time something big happens for which there are no immediate answers - people run to any source for information.

Just my humble opinion...

BTW I wonder does he say exactly what is going to happen next? :) If there are many more predictions of more future events - the world is not going to end yet ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 7:34 am
by VoodooDali
The Nostradamus prediction is an email hoax.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 7:38 am
by Anatres
September 11 is the anniversary of the Camp David Accords. That's the only connection.

EDIT: Although they were actually signed (formalized) on September 17th, 1978, the meetings took place through the previous week.....

[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Anatres ]

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 12:25 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Rob-hin:
<STRONG>I don't think Nostradamus knew what was going to happen now or later. He has made a lot of predictions, one of them is bound to be at least close.</STRONG>
The only problem with your statment there is that more than just one has been close. You looked back at all the predictions he has made, and look at the events from the past so many centuries, and you'll see just how many were close, if not dead on. This man obviously had some sort of innate psychic ability, and was able to predict this stuff before it even happend. I think you should give the guy some credit, even if this particular prediction was a hoax, it had been taken, a slightly changed to fit the crisis.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 12:43 pm
by Shadow Sandrock

I agree with the "Why didn't we figure out that New York City would burn before the 11th?"

Also Nostradamus has seldom been right. Just that he wrote so much poetry about disasters that sooner or later one is bound to fit in...

*is still alive and kickin' after July 1999* :p

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2001 5:08 pm
by C Elegans
It's really strange how fast these "urban legends" start spreading as soon as something happens.

A good site about rumours and hoaxes:

[url=""]Urban legends[/url]