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ATHOS lockpicks

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:40 pm
by whitetail
I got a problem with Athos .
I thought I was following the walk though!
I ask him for the families broche.
Bang ,I dont even get a chance to draw my sword ,he hits me once and I am dead!I have a decent sword but I dont even have time to draw.
After this repeated 1111 times I thought maybe I should ask for help!
Thank you for your time

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:09 pm
by swcarter
This must be a bug of some sort. Athos shouldn't be that powerful. At least it's only a minor quest.

Btw whitetail, you really should identify which game you're asking about when you post in this forum.


Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:38 pm
by whitetail
thank you

Thank you for the responce SW.
I though that this was the forum for two worlds

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:44 pm
by swcarter
whitetail wrote:I though that this was the forum for two worlds
This is the forum for Two Worlds -- plus a lot of other traditional RPGs as well, which is why you should identify which game you're asking about.