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Rich Creeper

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:19 pm
by Gabi
How do you make Creeper rich? Years ago I found a step-by-step idiots guide to making Creeper have more cash and even I managed to follow it. Now I want to play Morrowind again and I can't find the instructions for making Creeper rich. Searched everywhere for the printout, looked in my game guides folders. No luck!. Does anybody know how to do it?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:57 pm
by dragon wench
I can't recall how to increase Creeper's cash, but I do know of various mods that do the same:

Creeper change - Planet Elder Scrolls
Rich Scamp - Planet Elder Scrolls
Stephen's Creeper Upgrade - Planet Elder Scrolls
Upgraded Creeper

Personally, I prefer mods that rebalance the economy and essentially remove Creeper, but that's just me :D ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:10 am
by Gabi
Thank you!

Yes, you are right - a more balanced economy! The first time I played Morrowind, I couldn't leave anything alone. I didn't know what I might need later on so I collected eveything! This meant I had loads of stuff to unload and, in the interests tidying up, I offloaded everything on Creeper. I wound up with a small fortune and nothing to spend it on.
Also, this time I am playing the game on Vista (32bit Home Premium) and I have lost the crosshairs. This makes it very difficult (sometimes impossible) to pick up small objects, eg: a key lying on a crate. Do you know how I can get my crosshairs back? I have checked the box for crosshair ON under "options". Sorry to throw this question at you so suddenly, but in reading the forum, you seem know everything about Morrowind (no sarcasm) Thank you again!

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:34 am
by Magelord648
Have you any mods installed?

Particularly texture replacers. Your crosshair file may have been overwritten by an alphaed (invisible) version.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:34 pm
by Gabi
Fixed the crosshair problem

Just in case it helps anyone else, I fixed the no crosshair problem by downloading and installing DirectX 9.0c (Aug 2008). It also fixed the flashing graphics which was very annoying. Now I just need to find out why my character and the other NPC become floating heads and arms in indoor locations. Poor Creeper is completely invisible, although I can hear him and trade with him. I am using MGE (ver3.8) and it is fantastic!
See the attached jpeg for a screenshot for how my NPCs look in interior locations. Does anyone else have a similar problem? Has anyone managed to CURE this problem?