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Couple of questions

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:06 am
by BornForBattle
Hi, can anyone help me with two questions I have for a couple of my characters?
First off, is there any way (feat or otherwise) that a rogue can flank with a ranged weapon. For instance, my rogue uses darts as his main weapon, and when I meet the pre-requisites I will be taking him down the Master-Thrower prestige class. By this point, he will have 4d6 sneak attack damage, which I don't want to sacrifice by staying out of hand-to-hand combat.
Second question, is there any other equipment I can buy to improve my armour crafting skill? I already have masterwork blacksmith tools but will anything else stack with this?
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:27 am
by Siberys
First off, is there any way (feat or otherwise) that a rogue can flank with a ranged weapon.
Unfortunately no, there is no rule in any book that allows that...

It'd be far better for you to invest in the feat Improved Feint. It'll allow you to make a bluff check and deny a person their dex bonus to AC (prompting sneak attack).
Second question, is there any other equipment I can buy to improve my armour crafting skill? I already have masterwork blacksmith tools but will anything else stack with this?
There's always the magic item formula that enhances any skill....

The Formula is "Skill Bonus Squared x 100." Example, if you want a bonus of +10, then 10 x 10 x 100 is 10,000 gold for the cost of the magic item. The only downside is you have to find someone in game who will make the item for you, as it's not a standard item.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:15 am
by BornForBattle
Ok, thanks for the reply.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:55 am
by GawainBS
There's a Ranger spell in the Spell Compendium and a Psychic Warrior power (from Complete Psionic, I believe) that allow you to make ranged attacks in melee without provoking Attacks of Opportunity.