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Need Advice: Best Way to Start Up BGII

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:02 pm
by White Knight
Hello, everybody. I played through the BG series years ago when it first came out. I recently reinstalled and played through BG1, then played ToSC with the same party. I'm almost done with ToSC and was wondering if there are any good mods I should install before I start BGII. I don't want to alter the game too significantly though. Also, whichever mod I install can't interfere with the importing of my BG1 character. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:23 pm
by Rancid Sushi
Getting the Throne of Bhaal expansion improves things and finishes the storyline. Make sure you have the latest patch. You can get them from Bioware's website. A mod that fixes some of the annoying features of the game yet doesn't radically alter it is Wesley Weimer's Ease of Use mod. Find it and more at Baldur's Gate II: Westley Weimer's Mods.

P.S: If you get ToB, I'd be glad to do a multiplayer game with you. It's just been years since I've done it.