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Biggest "D'oh" moment (spoiler for windspear possible)
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:21 pm
by FoulDwimmerlaik
After slaying the red dragon, the mage and the party of adventurers, and getting ready to leave the hills, I was able to rest and Identify some of my booty. Three of those items: Dragon Helm, Dragon Shield and the sword, DragonSlayer.
Hmm. After many frustrating re-loads trying to kill the bastard, "d'oh, I had dragon equipment on me all the time...."
(Actually, I slew Firkragg the very first time I encountered him when my four person party was fatigued, more than half dead on HPs and down to a couple spells. Two "Lower Resistence" spells, then one "Disintegrate"...POOF, no dragon. But also, I realized immediately, no loot...all his stuff got zapped as well (another "d'oh" for that one)) Since I wanted his loot, I had to re-load. And then re-load, And then...
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:30 pm
by Edwin
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:34 pm
by FoulDwimmerlaik
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 5:32 pm
by Magus
I got into a battle with a party of drow in the Underdark. They put up a nasty fight, and they summoned a nishruu that chased my pc mage all over the place. After that I went on to do a quest. Later on, I realized my familiar and my best bracer of armor class were missing. Then (revelation), I realized the Nishruu ate them! Damn it! I didn't have a saved name anywhere near there, so I was stuck going on without my precious pseudodragon.
Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of vast amounts of words in the Planar Sphere Topic
----And yes, I am magusg, but I got tired of looking at that silly "pick an alternate name" name
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 7:31 pm
by Curdis
When I tried the 'dark side' first I ran a NE Bard and decided on getting Viconia/Korgan/Edwin/Jan, and getting to spellhold ASAP so I could get all the good items fast. I agreed to Bodhi's alliance and then couldn't get into Mae'Vars to get Edwin and of course he is NOT available unless you do the Renal Bloodscalp thing - so Nalia or Aerie? DOH! Restart - Curdis
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 7:53 pm
by Tain
This always happens to me:
In a battle, I pause and assign tons of spells for my mages to cast but when I unpause they're standing around doing nothing. Thus happens for several rounds, until finally out of irritation I scroll up the dialogue window and I find the message: "You cannot target spells to sanctuaried or invisible creatures." DUH!!!
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 7:57 pm
by Pigdog
I just thought they're fingers were tired....
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2001 8:42 pm
by Aegis
That happend to when casting with Vic. I thought it was just a minute case of *ahem* we'll say, oh... mono, from the night before...
P.S. A watched head is never eaten by ants.
Think about it!
"We should find more of these.... glues you keep taking about"
"There CLUES"
"Ya ya, whatever. Geez, one letter off, so crucify me!"
Religious ones should get this, if you don't and want to, just ask.
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 8:44 am
by Radek
I am still trying to find a satisfactory tactics against dragons. At one moment, I was swept away (as usual) and the dragon cast "Heal" spell. Yes, "Heal", so that it was healed completely. Arrrrrrrgh!! Damned!! All my efforts were in hell. All spells cast on it wasted. I stood there 3/4 red, without spells and starting from scratch. Later I found out that all dragons are able to cast "Heal". I am still trying...
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 8:53 am
by Mr Sleep
I hafve posted this one several times, but it still remains one of the most annoying instances of a Bug in BG2.
If you kill Gall the unseeing eye leader before he gives you the key, there is absolutely no way of opening that door, which means you can not do the Kangaxx misiion or free the undead.
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 8:56 am
by Waverly
Easy; making the mistake of getting addicted to the game and this board. Doh!
[This message has been edited by Waverly (edited 01-19-2001).]
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 9:02 am
by Mr Sleep
Double posting, thats a big DOH!.
Your invisible and you have been spying out what is in your surroundings,you walk up to a group of vampires, you all on your lonesome, and then you accisntly click to talk to one of them, oh crap i am so boned!
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 12:39 pm
by T'lainya
2 minor dohs
1. going through the game once and getting 3/4 throught he 2nd time before realizing rings and necklaces can be stored in gem bags
and 2. changing weapons from a longbow to dual wielding during combat and forgetting to actually equip your main hand so you end up fighting with a fist and an offhand weapon.
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 12:46 pm
by Nighthawk
Heh, I don't think it was until my 4th time through that I suddenly realized I could store amulets and rings in gem bags!
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 12:47 pm
by Waverly
I STILL don't know you can store amulets and rings in the gem bag. I am so shocked it will not sink in until later!
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 12:56 pm
by Krom
I'm playing my 3rd time through, and I still didn't no that. Doh!
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2001 5:37 pm
by Minerva
I was in the Mindflayer's tunnel in the Underdark. For some reason, I couldn't save the game; no quick save, no proper save. I thought that was the way--no save while I am in this tunnel. I was very careful to go through this quest. Then, at nearly the end, my party faced a group of Mindflayers and Umberhulks, and, yes, I was dead! Ah!
I started all over again, and this time, I could save game. I still don't know why I could not save the game in the first place.
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 5:17 am
by Chrissy
Minerva, that happened to me lots of times. It usually works to load your last autosave (or save) after that you'll be able to save (and sometimes sleep) again.
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2001 7:01 am
by fallout
i gain a item from one quest. main characters inv. is full. And game drop my p.dragon to floor. I notice this very late to turn back.
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 7:41 am
by Minerva
Originally posted by Chrissy:
Minerva, that happened to me lots of times. It usually works to load your last autosave (or save) after that you'll be able to save (and sometimes sleep) again.
You are right. I did use my autosave and that was it. Than, last night, I was fighting with Irenicus for the very last time. I killed all demons he summoned, he used all his spells (killing Jaheira in a process), his protections were worn off, and he was "badly injured". Then, my screen was frozen! I got frozen as well. I tried everything, even pressing Alt+Ctrl+Del... Nothing. I had to press reset button, then reload from save I made just before the battle. I managed to finish the game (at 1.30am), though