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Visas Marr cutscene not firing

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:59 pm
by tcgtqu
Hi all
I have just recently started to play kotor II for the fist time and have some questions. I have read numerous FAQs which stated that once you hit 1/4 either darkside or lightside a cutscene with visas will fire. However, I am currently half way towards the lightside and no cutscene. I just escaped form Peragus and have arrived on Telos for the first time. So, is this a bug or
I just need to wait more patiently. I want to get the prestige class. :(

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:50 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Unless im mistaken, you wont have enough exp to take the prestige class at least until you've visited ur 2nd planet (after Telos). The cutscene for Visas Marr should fire if you are playing an all out LS character when you have been released from house arrest on Telos and start doing some quests to gain the said LS points. I think it only fires when ur 3 quarters of the way up ur alignment bar, i.e. 25% of the bar left to reach LS mastery.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:41 pm
by Epithet
Yes, the Visas scene won't fire until you're exploring Citadel Station at the earliest. I usually get it after helping the sullustan outside the bar.

To get the prestige class you need three things:
- Level 15.
- 3/4 toward LS or DS mastery.
- Visas must have joined the Ebon Hawk crew.

After the cutscene with Visas is seen, she will have sneaked aboard the Ebon Hawk the next time you exit it and then enter it again. This means there is no way this can happen until after you've gotten the Ebon Hawk back and left for the next planet after Telos. You then have to fight and defeat her. But then you won't reach level 15 until after that point anyway, so don't worry about it.

Once these three conditions have been met, talk to Kreia and she'll give the option of taking a prestige class.