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beating the arena without health loss (some spoilers)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:41 am
by nuhvy
..... k well not completely true but i know how to get through the last four rounds with taking little to no damage.

when going up against the earth golems this is what u wanna do, start randomly atacking one with caution, this will get whisper jealouse and atacking the same one attempting to steal ur kill and leaving it distracted wit ur infinite health partner, while she fights it u go take on the other one if she trys to switch targets just repeat. when u r fighting the earth golem take ur sword and if u use heavy weapons hit it 3 times then one heavy atk then use block and back to dodge so u will miss its heavy close range atk. keep doing this until u kill it then atk the other one wit the same steps and ignore ur partner.

with the rock golems just charge the golem, u want to get behind it so that the golem u will be atking is between u and the golem trying to kill u wit rocks, it has to be perfect or the rocks will get u wit splatter damage. start atking ur rock golem 3 times wit a heavy but instead of dodging back just run left or right to get out of the way. now what should happen is 1 ur partner will fly a few feet 2 the golem throwing rocks will accidentally hit its partener and 3 the close range will miss u barely. if this isnt happening then to alter the atk time u need to run around the outside of the arena once until ur facin ur golem again and the atk timing should change keep doin so until the timing is right. when u kill ur golem try the same strategy as ur earth golem wit the second rock golem. this takes some time but it saves u a lot of health.

when ur facing the scorpion thing i believe it was misnamed anyways u want to have ur bow out. target it and continue to move to the left or right witchever fits u and what the scorpion will do is make a triangle trying to charge u and never hit u. when the scorpion is readying its heavy tail stab atk try to get bout 5 to 6 feet away from the thing and continue shooting when the tail hits watch the ground and dodge to left or right and charge the scorpion wit ur sword and start beatin it to a pulp. when it starts movin again repeat. when the scorpion digs take out the mini scorpions however u wish just make sure u kill the last one at a good distance wit ur bow because ull need time to move again as the bigger one will try to come up underneath u.

when taking on whisper continue the triangle method while shooting her repeatedly if u choose to kill her then same thing the only difference is u can only hit her mid atk but she will never get u. tell me if ur havin problems ill try to see what went wrong. :p

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:43 am
by nuhvy
also if u got tips for previous rounds i would like to know cuz its those i buy all the revival phials for.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:13 am
by Loredweller
The problem is that players exploring all possibilities (and esp. permanent youth trick along with hero save exploit) usually arrive to the Arena maxed. That means the shield is maxed as well and the backpack is full of restoratives...
In my case all the opponents go down by Slow Time (optional)+sword+Enflame+Divine Fury (or Infernal Wrath). Spider is the hardest as it's intended to be, but you just have to find the right moments for Enflame and right for Fury. It's been quite long since my Hero has had any damage in the Arena :)
Whisper never has been of any trouble; I've even wondered all the time why she's been made so weak.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:18 am
by Loki[D.d.G]
But basically a maxed physical shield spell and a big enough mana pool makes ur character invincible. Proven fact... how hard you can hit ur opponents is another matter... but a maxed shield is a game breaker imho.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:15 pm
by Loredweller
I play a game and use what it offers, i don't make any other rules. Half of the fun, IMHO, is to find shortcuts and weaknesses :) You do wish to beat Terminator, don't you?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:27 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Loredweller wrote:I play a game and use what it offers, i don't make any other rules. Half of the fun, IMHO, is to find shortcuts and weaknesses :) You do wish to beat Terminator, don't you?
I didn't imply that i thought the usage of physical shield as a game breaker was bad lol. In fact, most of the games i play i tend to create the best possible character by utilising everything on offer, bugs and exploits included :p

But back on topic, the arena can be easily beaten with the shield, enflame and slow time... the best combo u can get in the game imho.

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:49 pm
by Loredweller
Loki[D.d.G] wrote:...

But back on topic, the arena can be easily beaten with the shield, enflame and slow time... the best combo u can get in the game imho.
Just don't forget Divine Fury/Infernal Wrath. One could live without them, sure, but defeating Arachanox is much less complicated with them (just cast them at green light). It'd be very useful also to defeat Jack first time.
As I said other place it's the only thing what hits enflamed enemy, BTW.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:20 pm
by nuhvy
Ive played the arena several times through and magic users are not my favorite kind of characters i gave all those glitches in order to beat it without even needing to worry too much about getting hit at all and in my opinion the giant spider is the easiest to beat because his atacks are the most predictable although your strategys work great too.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:18 pm
by grandma

Is it cheaper to buy the Bright Plate Armour in the arena than it is outside?
Same question re potions too

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:40 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Not sure about the armor, IIRC prices have always been pretty similar wherever you look. But as for potions, try buying them en masse or in bulk. Look for traders with lots of potions in stock and try to buy them all in one go. The reason for this is because bulk buys will be cheaper than buying the potions one by one.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:09 pm
by grandma
Arena and potions question

How many potions do you think it's safe to take to the arena. I have level 4 health and level 4 will and I like to use physical shield and multistrike (both level 3) quite a lot and maybe an occassional level 2 slow time or divine wrath (I will only use that for the scorpion I guess though). I am at the Very Famous Spell Warrior stage but I reckon I got to that stage by luck sometimes as it is the very first time I have played ANY game at all so I reckon I will need more potions than the average expert, and after all I am a grandma ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:55 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Then I'd advise you to just stock up on mana potions and max out your Physical Shield spell and mana pool as far as they will go. That way, you can completely ignore the use of health potions. Just make sure you have mana and keep Physical Shield on at all times. You wont even take an ounce of damage that way.

Though if your reflexes are on the slow side, you may end up quaffing more mana potions than you envisioned. Still, it's a fail-proof tactic to beating the arena comprehensively.

Oh, and welcome to the gaming scene. Hope you enjoy it immensely. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:40 pm
by grandma
Potions for arena

Thanks for that advice. Yes I certainly am enjoying it - completely addicted! Might as well sell the TV!!