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Changing race

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:25 pm
by Kristof
My sister asked me if she could play BG and while installing it on her laptop I got in the mood for it again as well. I installed BGTutu and created a party of 4.
I planned on playing through the whole series and one of the characters I wanted to take through BG2 and TOB was a dualed Berserker/Cleric.

My problem is: I was a bit excited and didn't think a lot while creating chars. Since I planned for the Berserker/Cleric to dualwield hammers I created him as a dwarf (dwarves look badass dualwielding hammers). Obviously dwarves can't dualclass so I am pondering my options to fix this.

I played through BG1 until after the return to Candlekeep (so I have to get back to BG for the endgame) and cleared everything from the TotSC expansion. I will probably import my party to BG2 this weekend. I have used Shadowkeeper before so I guess I can use it to change my race once i started BG2.

What would be the most stable solution to get a dualclassed berserker/cleric, and would I be able to keep the dwarveness of the char? (i.e. change the race to human, dualclass, change it back or something like that?) I don't want this to be the cause of too many bugs etc, but i would like to dual to cleric and keep dwarven looks or even stay dwarf if possible.


Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:06 pm
by galraen
You should be able to just change your race to Human, but leave everything else as is. You'll look like a Dwarf but of course be human, so you should lose your saving throw benefits. I don't know if you actually will, at first anyway, but the game may reset your saving throws when you level up.

If you subsequently change back to Dwarf then the game will probably change you to multi class, with some unwanted effects, so best to stick to being human once you've made the switch and dual classed. If you want to have a romance in BG2, it's best to make the switch to human before importing the character into BG2 as matches are checked at the start I believe (hopefully someone else can confirm or correct this).

Personally I'd recommend changing race whilst still in BG1, as I've said, but no dual classing until 9th Level, which means in BG2. Others will probably recommend changing at higher level, it's entirely up to you, but I wouldn't change below 9th so you can get an extra proficiency slot.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:14 pm
by Kristof
Thanks for the quick reply :)

I guess changing race to human in BG1 will be the best option then. Which program do I use for this? For BG2 I have used Shadowkeeper before and I believe there is a (different) program that does the same for BG1. I do have BGtutu installed however so this might influence things.

I plan on playing with my multiplayer party of 4 so I won't have issues regarding the romances. I've played through BG2 multiple times before so I'm not really missing the NPC interactions.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:18 pm
by Pellinore
There is another editor called Gate Keeper made by the same folks...

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:02 am
by Kristof
Yes, I found that using google. But I was wondering if BGtutu changes this. Because it makes BG1 run with the BG2 engine, I thought it also might influence the editor I should use. But I'll just give gatekeeper a go.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:31 am
by galraen
Use Shadow keeper for Tutu, not Gate Keeper.