Hellfire Shield & Arcane Spellfailure
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:33 pm
Is the auto-casting effect caused by the Hellfire Shield (from the new Hellfire Warlock prestige class) subject to heavy armor induced arcane spellfailure?
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The SoZ Manual:Hellfire Shield (Sp): Starting at 3rd level, you can call up hellfire to surround yourself with a protective barrier. Whenever someone directs a melee attack against you, you can, as an immediate action, aim a blast of hellfire at that creature. This blast deals damage equal to your eldritch blast (including bonus damage from the hellfire blast ability). This blast automatically strikes the target, which can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifier).
Vastly different. Any my fault for assuming NWN2Wikia didn't directly copy this from the official pnp sites, I ran into that mistake before. Kinda weird though, in NWN2 enemies don't even need to actually hit you for the hellfire to strike. It doesn't even look like the normal eldritch blast effect is added to the calculation.Hellfire Shield: At 3rd level the hellfire warlock gainst Hellfire Shield. While Hellfire Shield is active, any enemy standing in close range is burned for 6d6 points of magical damage per round. For each target affected by the Hellfire Shield, the warlock temporarily loses on point of constitution.
Why would you kill the build?Tricky wrote:
Never mind Arcane Spellfailure, another build bites the dust.![]()