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Fixing Jaheira
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:37 am
by Craig
I was battling some mages, Jaheira got hit pretty bad by a stun and a fear symbol. Then she died before the effects wore off. Now after being ressed it seems she is perma-stunned. She also seems grey, and still. She's not petrified as I've tried to stone to flesh her. Dispell magic doesn't work, nor does waiting, but I can do some more of that.
Any ideas? Or know how to fix it in Shadow keeper?
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:48 am
by Stworca
Craig wrote:Any ideas? Or know how to fix it in Shadow keeper?
Try removing
Type: 0x00000134 (and / or)
Type: 0x00000210
from her "effects" Tab in SK. First one is Petrification, second one is stun (or vice versa?)
If it wont work, you might try removing everything from effects tab (you will have to re-equip everything she wears. )
Edit : You may also try to "Ctrl + R" her (with debug mode=1 line in baldur.ini) which clears all effects.
Hope this helps
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:02 am
by Craig
I didn't see either of those, but I did see 127. Any idea what that is? I removed it and it worked!
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:24 am
by Stworca
Craig wrote:I didn't see either of those, but I did see 127. Any idea what that is? I removed it and it worked!
No idea what 127 might be in SK. But 0x00000127 is memory error in Windows
Edit : But dont quote me on that