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Questions, questions and more questions

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 12:11 pm
by elephantman
I'm at the camp where the people are being threatened by the bandits. Have I missed out on the quest for reinforcing Fortress Kroth?

Have I missed out on getting back the staff of the wizard(Merik) you saved from the ice caves?

During the ice cave tour, I noticed a side exit that had a little room in a shape of an animal. the floor seems to go down partially like a button. There are 2 of these so-call small rooms. Any use for them?

Is there a website where a walkthrough is provided and secrets as well as cheats?

I seem to never have enough money. I have one mule and 6 NPC. How do i get to afford stuff that ranges from 100+ gold pieces?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 12:20 pm
by Krynus
You have passed neither the Fortress nor the Staff... keep along that same path (not much choice :) ), and you'll get there eventually.

You should have way more money than 100 gold by this point. Pick up every item you come across and sell 'em!

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:06 pm
by seraphim
if you need money, try the transmute spell. it exchanges every worthless weopon and armor into cool hard cash. too bad it won't work on spells, though/ as for walkthroughs, there are none i have seen yet, though it is still pretty early for it. i think prima put one out with the release but i seriously doubt it is worth it. the best thing is just woandering around and opening al; the black spots. none of the quests in the single player are hard to solve. just keep walking.

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:44 pm
by Tokra
You can find some walkthroughs, hints & tips, as well as cheats at: :cool:

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 4:47 pm
by Krynus

There are two secret areas in the Crystal Caverns area. The first leads to the Sphinx puzzle that is mentioned in the walkthrough. The second isn't, however.

Close to the end of the level, you will find yourself walking along a narrow path, with empty space on either side (ie. no walls). The right hand path (the one that has a block of stone with what looks like a face on it) leads to an area that looks like a temple (it has purple crystals scattered around it), and has a staircase leading down. The dungeon seemingly only has two rooms connected by stairs, but you will find that there are pressure plates located on either side of the lower room. Place characters or objects (weapons, shields, potions, gold, anything) on both pressure plates opens up a new staircase to the second level. On that level of the dungeon, there are once again two pressure plates, which open up a room to the side with chests, and a third pressure plate. Placing weight on that plate opens another flight of stairs. The next level has exactly the same setup. The fourth level is a bit different. There is a different layout, with a bunch of baddies to kill. There are pressure plates in here too, and when weight is placed on them, another room off to the side is opened which contains a bunch of chests, one of which has the Fury's Eye neccessary for the MP Chicken Level. After clearing out this dungeon, go back up the stairs (if any of your weights have moved -- ie characters), just hit the lever, and the stairs will reopen), and continue to the end of the level (the other fork in the path).