1. I went to the gate and blew it open but didn't go through the gate to complete the quest. Is comleting the quest necessary to complete the game? Is there a way to get back there without having to go all the way back through the mines? (Every attempt to do so, I've gotten lost!)
2. Two of my party members died and now I cannot figure out how to revive/resurrect them. I am a combat mage and have revive spells available to me (I am at level 13), and I also have spells available but whenever I activative the spell/scroll, and then left click on the character I want to revive/resurrect, all that happens is that now I've selected that character. I have 235 mana (yes, available mana) and I should be able to do this, right? I've tried right clicking but that does nothing. Is there a hotkey to push or something?
3. In the ice caverns I went all the way through (I think), on the megamap I could see the outside but couldn't find a way out. Is there a secret to finding that door? (I don't care about spoilers at this point, I just want out).
I want you to know that I've read most of the postings concerning these questions but still haven't been able to come up with the answers. Thanx in advance for your assistance.
So many Questions....
2) Select "ressurect" spell and roll over the character you want to ressurect. Your pointer will change into a flashing sword so that you will know that you can cast the spell, don't click on it though, just press "C" key to cast it.
"When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."
Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller
1. To finish the quest you actually have to go through the gate and talk to the soldiers on the other side. This is probably not a consideration for you, however, if you are far past that. It is probably not necessary to talk to these people (ie. to finish the quest), but they might give you the next story quest, i don't remember. If you are not too far away (you said you're in the ice caves, so it would be probably a 10-20 minute hoof or so) I'd go back.
2. There already is a big thread on ressurection, URL=http://gamebanshee.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15893]Cannot ressurect a fallen comrad![/URL], which has a lot of info on this. What you should do is the following. As left clicking on a character obviously selects that character, you have to RIGHT click on either the char or its portrait. Make sure you've got your revive spell active (ie. in one of your quick spell slots) and the amount of current manna supersedes the amount of mana neccesary to revive.
3. There are three parts of the Ice Caves level that goes outdoors. Each are opened by pressure plates (as far as I can remember). I am not going to give direct spoilers, but if you would like to be spoiled, check out RPG-Guide's Walkthrough
Hope this helps.
2. There already is a big thread on ressurection, URL=http://gamebanshee.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15893]Cannot ressurect a fallen comrad![/URL], which has a lot of info on this. What you should do is the following. As left clicking on a character obviously selects that character, you have to RIGHT click on either the char or its portrait. Make sure you've got your revive spell active (ie. in one of your quick spell slots) and the amount of current manna supersedes the amount of mana neccesary to revive.
3. There are three parts of the Ice Caves level that goes outdoors. Each are opened by pressure plates (as far as I can remember). I am not going to give direct spoilers, but if you would like to be spoiled, check out RPG-Guide's Walkthrough
Hope this helps.