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The Fury's eye
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2002 11:21 pm
by AngusThermopole
Is this worth playing out in multiplayer? What's the Chicken level have to offer?
Thanks in advance
Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 7:07 pm
by Krynus
I think the Chicken Run can be somewhat equated to Baldur's Gate's Pantaloon Quest. You basically get a lot of unique/rare/magical items and fight a lot of hard badguys (well, I guess it's more like the Cow Level in Diablo 2, now that I think about it
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 11:35 am
by Z3060
Really, the chicken level is exactly like Diablos Cow level, except for the fact that bovines with axes is funnier than chickens shin pecking you.
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:46 am
by Squall
Where is Fury's Eye
Hey can anyone tell me where fury's eye is in detail because I have been to the Crystal Caverns and The underground river but I see no dungeon could you post me a detailed way to it including north south east and west.
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:42 pm
by tom the terribl
Fury's Eye
The crystal cavern is basically linear except for one place. Use your overhead map to ID the split intersection. Go the right hand path and all the paths at this point are elavated. You'll know the place because the first stairway is obvious. You should fight all creatures around the stairway before entering. If you have a party use quick save before decending to the next level. I had one NPC go upstairs pick up the items and trap me below. So no Z for pickup. If you don't want to drop item on the compresson plates then you can drop one gold. Pick them up after or not.
There is a mod at that will put the items in the Quillirube Armory and the Hiroth Armory. This means that you never have to play the single game again. Just buy the items when you get there or start the game in Quillirube go do the Chicken Run first.
Recently I did just that and (at the Elite level) I got 4 Slicers the best fast weapon in the game. You also get many rings and spells that sell for a lot of gold. I also convert all extra items to gold and pickup several milliion.
Next time you go to the Armory in Quill or Hiroth buy the items and then you can play any DS-Online game and have the item handy.