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more cow troubles
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:51 pm
by maedhros21
ok guys i finally finished my first game and entered the cow level on the same level i finished in...(couldnt get in in the level above). I went in and killed some cows, then saved and exited my game. Reopened my game and the portal was gone...... I did not kill the cow king so how am i supposed to get back in or is it a one shot thing that once you leave and save cannot get back in ????? Please someone help out with some answers because it sure is a sadistic pleasure killing those mooing herds
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:19 pm
by humanflyz
It's a one time shot. Once you closed the portal, you can't come back unless you beat the current difficult level you are in and then use wirt's leg again.
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 11:37 pm
by Stilgar
As long as you didnt kill the cow king you can go back (IIRC)
just grab the leg again, and try to reopen the portal.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:54 am
by Danthedrow
if we arnt supposed to kill the cow king then why do they give him such good unique drops? ive had seven UNIQUE drops from it.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:04 am
by C Elegans
You are supposed to kill the Cow King, but people who want to do the Cow Level over and over again for XP, prefer not to kill him.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:41 am
by Danthedrow
just HOW MUCH exp do the cows give you anyway???
i never can tell.. i love the LOOT in that level too. the gems that drop all the time are somehow exactly what i want...
I kill the cow king then save and quit then go in again to get WIRT's leg. and away we go again. that way the map is always the same and you can get to the king quickly without having to hunt for him.
Can you access the cows in nightmare or hell mode???
(if you REALLY wanted to that is, i stuggle to kill them in normal mode)
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:47 am
by Grimar
I kill the cow king then save and quit then go in again to get WIRT's leg. and away we go again. that way the map is always the same and you can get to the king quickly without having to hunt for him.
aren't people saying that if you kill the cow king you CAN'T go back. don't kill him and you can go back...?
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:08 am
by Danthedrow
honestly, you can go back in. i do it lots.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:11 am
by Grimar
that dont work for me
i killed him, and then had to wait for 5 lvl's(i think..) before i could go in again
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:59 am
by Danthedrow
ill tel you what i did firstly..
1)- completed D2 and started again in nightmare.
2)- saved it in nightmare mode and quit.
3)- then started a normal difficulty game and used the waypoints to stoney field.
4)- got WIRT's leg then went and done the portal for the secret cows level at the rogue camp.
5)- completed the cow level fully (even killed the king)
6)- once all was killed and sold, saved and quit the game again.
7)- started up a new normal game again and repeated the process from (3) onwards.
you see? this is proof that it can be done, TRY IT!!!
the only down side is that you have to reveal all the maps of all acts again, but dont get the quests to do again, but the loot from the cow king is consolation
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:54 am
by Deadalready
It depends on what version of Diablo you have I believe if you have 1.09b you can still access the cow level as much as you wish, but if you upgrade to 1.09d or 1.10 you can only create the cow level once per difficultly level.
Besides Danthedrow, proof is indescriminable evidence not word of mouth.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:45 am
by C Elegans
@Danthedrow: Cows are set to a special drop class which make them drop more jewels, gems and runes than ordinary monsters. I do cows to find good jewels, like ED/max dam or ED/IAS jewels for my Bowazons.
You may be able do to Cow level more than once if you play locally, I'm not sure of that. If you play on Battlenet, I am very sure that you cannot.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:05 pm
by Lonelypilgrim
I am pretty sure that i could do cow level numerous times but when i got my Lord OF Destruction then i couldn`t.Maybe it is just a version thing,but i think i didn`t have internet at that time
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:19 am
by Kipi
I think it may have something to do with LoD. I'm not sure, but I would guess that with pure D2 in local game you could be able to open the portal again, but this option has been removed from LoD. I haven't been able to do it and I'm playing with LoD.
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:58 pm
by dairy
this is very simple....
if you or anyone in your party (when you are nearby) kills the cow king in normal, you will never be able to make a normal cow portal.
if you or anyone in your party (when you are nearby) kills the cow king in nightmare, you will never be able to make a nightmare cow portal
and in hell, you guessed it, if you or anyone in your party (when you are nearby) kills the cow king in hell, you will never be able to make a hell cow portal.
it doesnt matter if you've killed your normal king if you're make a nightmare game. it doesnt matter if you've killed your hell king if you're making a normal game. it doesnt matter if...well, you get the idea.
however, if you unparty, and leave the general area while the king is being killed, you will be able to keep on making the portals. if you are really keen on killing the king, get a character that can make the portal to create a game, make the portal. then go get another character (with high mf preferably) and return to the game to kill the king. you can keep it up indefinately.