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To buy or not to buy
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 9:29 am
by Revan
I have been looking for a good online RPG game for my computer, i have been thinking of Diablo 2 but i just don't know how it is. The screen shots look good but how is the actual gameplay?
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 8:47 am
by C Elegans
Diablo 2 is not really much of an RPG, it's more of an action game although you build characters of different classes and with different skills, and there is some rudimentary storyline which I have never payed attention to since it's totally uninteresting.
Basically, it's a fast shoot-em-up game and the fun lies in the many different types of character classes and subclasses you can build, and the many different types of monsters you have to fight. Another central aspect is item-finding, there are an almost endless number of items you can find, and even build yourself. It's a typical instant gratification game, and it's highly addictive. I suggest you try it out, it's quite cheap to buy now. D2 with the expansion packet Lord of Destruction is actually the only game I've ever played which has an endless replay value
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:30 pm
by Revan
Thanks for the reply
Thanks for the reply, i think i might go with NwN just because its different everytime. If its different everytime, does that mean i have to make a new char everytime or will my char be on the server after i log off?
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 4:33 am
by garazdawi
Re: Thanks for the reply
Originally posted by Revan
Thanks for the reply, i think i might go with NwN just because its different everytime. If its different everytime, does that mean i have to make a new char everytime or will my char be on the server after i log off?
nope your char is saved on the server and you can hence build really high level chars..... it's only the maps that change all the time not the characters.....
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 2:13 pm
by Revan
nope your char is saved on the server and you can hence build really high level chars..... it's only the maps that change all the time not the characters.....
Excellent, sounds awesome. thanks for the help!
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 12:59 am
by garazdawi
Re: Excellent
Originally posted by Revan
Excellent, sounds awesome. thanks for the help!
no problem
hope you'll enjoy the game as much as I have