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Better than KotOR?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:35 am
by Applebrown
I for one, am really looking forward to it.

From the lengthy hi-res IGN Tokyo Game Show preview, my first impression of the voice acting is that it's *not* as good. But it's still early and I saw only the merest glimpse.

The game also had a kind of "Spirited Away" surreal quality to it from watching the preview... which is good. But it's not quite as Alice in Wonderland-esque as the movie, based slightly more on realism.

Will it be better than KotOR?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:48 pm
by Aegis
I wouldn't worry overly about the sound. Bioware has an amazing track record when it comes to the audio of their games.

Anyway, I haven't really been following Jade Empire, since I don't own an X-box, but if it becomes a port to the PC, then maybe.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:10 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Applebrown
Will it be better than KotOR?

Who knows if it will be as good, worse, or better? The gameshow pieces that LucasArts/Bioware demo'd of KotoR had features that were left out of the finished game. I suspect the only way to see how good it will be is to see the actual product in beta, or final release.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 7:42 am
by Applebrown
I've got good faith in BioWare to make it exceptional, as they really haven't made a bad game yet, but hopefully it will be up to the same level as KotOR, and that would be another accomplishment.

The problem with reading previews is that most of the time they're overly positive... look at Deus Ex: Invisible War. So in a sense, you're right when you say we'll need to see it in action.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 6:25 pm
by pepsi
From what I've seen off bioware's site, this game is going to be craptacular. For me at least.

Taken from the site:
+Roleplay as a martial arts master.
+Innovative fighting system: master fighting styles and mystical powers.
+Epic adventure in a lush world based on mythical China.
+Build a living legend, recruit followers and agents, and send them on missions across the Jade Empire.
+Battle monstrous creatures.

This is just my opinion but I hate games based in mythical china with uber cool super flying martial arts powers and fightz teh co0lerz dr4g0n.

For all you china loving people with small wangs, go for it, but you wont see me playing it. It sounds like a typical china RPG type thing with (wait for it!) omg! you get to send people out on missions! Sounds like fun!

-Your Lord and Master, Pepsi

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 6:47 pm
by fable
@Pepsi, your ability to make flip decisions without looking into something never fails to amaze me. :)

Leaving aside the people who are either criticizing or fanboying the title without ever having played it, I'll withhold judgment until it shows up. I'm afraid it will indulge in the cliches of Westernized China, but then, BG2 indulged in a handful of AD&D cliches, yet managed to break others enough to create a wonderfully entertaining game. I'm just going to do for now what I've always done--ignore the publicity--and wait. Hell, there's enough to play in the meantime.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:13 pm
by ajdaha
Lol. It really SEEMS to me that this game is more action oriented than towards Role-Playing. I mean you are told who you are, and you cannot cutomize the look of your character. I hope they change this. I mean, to be honest, Jade Empire was why I bought the Xbox in the first place. But when I bought the Xbox I also decided to buy Kotor. Now Kotor is like, the only game I rekon is worth playing on the Xbox. And I not long ago realized that they are both made by Bioware. Coincidence, maybe, but probuably not (since I must've stumbled on Kotor while reading up on Bioware for Jade Empire)
I'll soon get Ninja Gaiden, because people say its the best game for the Xbox, and if its not good and Jade empire either sux or comes out for the PC as well, I shall return or sell my Xbox, since all the games I bought for the Xbox, xcept for Kotor have been returned, cause I think they really, are bad and not worth 50 pence. Like Mortal Kombat, Thirteen, Soul Calibur. etc. God, I even return them for a lesser price. Plus I'm stuck with Halo 2, since everyone has it and no-one wants to buy it of me. But that's not so bad as I might actually play it when friends come over. Can anyone suggest any good games for the Xbox, cause so far it is a major dissapointment, and I really did lose like 100 pounds just by having to sell games that I bought for a lesser price. It really sucks. I hope I don't have to sell by Xbox, but come on, make Jade Empire better, Bioware. There is still some time until the release. Lol

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:56 pm
by GFreeman
[QUOTE=Applebrown]The game also had a kind of "Spirited Away" surreal quality to it from watching the preview... which is good. But it's not quite as Alice in Wonderland-esque as the movie, based slightly more on realism.

Thats exactly how I felt though i didn't put two and two together. The trailers definitely gave me a "Spirited Away" feeling. For me BioWare is a sure fire bet. Some developing groups have it, some don't, BioWare is one that definitely has it, so I look forward to this game as the next RPG to own easily.