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Diablo walks the earth
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:41 pm
by C Elegans
Today, for the first time, the world event occured in my game. I haven't been playing much with 1.10, some hours here and there before I went to Tunisia for my winter holiday. Since I came back home a couple of days ago, I have played a lot. I see the SoJ counter running in most of my games, but the Diablo Clone never appeared. This afternoon when my hubby started a game in order for us to continue to level our characters, I heard him shouting "Diablo walks the earth! Gaaaahh!"
So I joined his untwinked lvl 75 Summon Necro, with my untwinked lv 78 Meterorb Sorc. We tried to call for our friends, but none of them were online, unfortunately. We really had no idea what to do, but we decided to spawn DC at Cold Plains, since it is fairly easy to clear that area from other disturbing monsters in case you need to run around. First, I died a couple of times due to other monsters and when trying to help out the hubby who clearly did not have enough fire resistance (around 50). Max fire resistance is necessary. I went to town to buy more potions, and in the meanwhile, DC regained full HP again although I had Staticed him down. He regenerates life very, very quickly. I filled my inventory with mana and healing pots, put them on the ground close to my tp, then went back to town again to fill my inventory. You must have the potions you need there, since DC regenerates up to full HP again as soon as you don't keep hitting him.
Now, the strategy was to make the hubby's Fire Golem tank DC while he casted Lower Resist, and kept pumping Meteors and Fire Balls. This sounds easy, but took a few tries to work out. When you use a TP and come back, DC may cast a Bone Cage, just as normal Diable, and the Golem can't really set its' priorities right, so sometimes he decides to simply walk away from DC and start pounding at the Bone Cages instead, so I had to Meteor them away. Every time the Golemn (our only tank, my HF merc lasted about 8 nanoseconds) lost contact with DC, you just had to run from his pink flame. But after some tries and running around, we found that if I consistantly hit DC with Fireballs (cost a lot of mana, doesn't do any damage since it's only lvl 11 yet, but keeps him busy it seems like) in between the Meteors, DC stood still a lot longer instead of running and jumping around. That also meant the Fire Golem stood in one place, so it was only a matter of time. Took about 5 minutes or less to take him down, but took about 40 minutes to find out a good strategy that worked.
So now we have this cute Annihilus charm, 10/18/10, not perfect but still very nice!
What is your experience with DC? Have you encountered him, and how did you take him down?
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:41 pm
by garazdawi
Aaa I never got the world event and I've been playing since the patch was released

oh well... I guess DC will turn up eventually
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 9:20 pm
by C Elegans
You haven't got it yet?

I guess we were lucky then...I am hoping for him to appear soon again since I am gradually trying to convert my Meterorb sorc to an MF-sorc, so she needs resistances, and +skills and stats is never wrong

The charm aside though, it was fun to finally see DC after all I've heard about people dying all over and taking 2h to kill him!
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 8:24 pm
by Maisha
I don't get it. how's it work?
it's like a diablo that shows up in random places every once in a while? plz explain i never heard of. haven't played in a while.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 9:51 pm
by C Elegans
@Maisha: The Diablo Clone (DC) is the monster that turns up when
The World Event occurs. The world event happens only in Hell difficulty and only when you play on Battlenet. In can happen in private games as well as open games. It is speculated whether or not it is connected to the SoJ counter. Sometimes in the Realms games, you see the text "N Stones of Jordans sold to merchant" in golden letters in the upper left corner of the screen, where N is a number that successively increases. It is not known whether there really is a connection or not, but it has been noticed that DC appears more often in games with a SoJ counter. When The World Event occurs, the sky will go black and the screen starts shaking just like when the normal Diablo appears. You will then see a golden text in the upper left corner of the screen, saying "Diablo walks the earth". When this message has appeared,
the next superunique monster you meet has been transformed into Diablo Clone, and he is a stronger version of Diablo. He is level 110, has severalfold more HP than Hell Diablo, all Diablos attacks + Armageddon and Fire wall and he has massive resists, 95% to all elemental and 50% to magical - that's why Lower resist and Meteor worked so well.
Diablo Clone drops only one item and not always, the small unique Annihilus charm with +1 to skills, +10-20 to stats, +10-20% to all resists and 5-10% increased experience points.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 2:59 pm
by Fer'or
Originally posted by garazdawi
Aaa I never got the world event and I've been playing since the patch was released
oh well... I guess DC will turn up eventually
No, me neither.
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:41 am
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Fer'or
No, me neither.

Maybe I got lucky then, taken together we had not played more than about 20h on Hell difficulty.
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:14 pm
by garazdawi
Originally posted by C Elegans
Maybe I got lucky then, taken together we had not played more than about 20h on Hell difficulty.
Then indeed u were lucky, I've played almost constantly on hell since 10 was realeased and I still didn't get the world event.....oh well, just started a new char

a druid, went from level 0 to 44 today

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 9:38 pm
by C Elegans
@Garaz: Obviously I was very lucky then!

The 1.10 was released when I was in Bangkok, then I had far too much work to start's only the last few days I have played more, since the PET camera at my lab is broken, which means I have less work than expected right now. It's going to fixed in 1-2 weeks though, so I have to play a lot until then!
This evening, I took my second character, a pure fire sorc, to Hell together with Dottie, who plays a pure cold Blizzard sorc. I also have my little Blender Fury assassin, but she levels very slowly since the build is so item dependant and I am faaaaar from a Crescent Moon runeword for her.
Druid is the only class I have never played further than through Normal...what is he like? I never really got into it...
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:24 am
by garazdawi
He's actually the first druid I do online and so far it's pretty fun. I just stand in the middle of the fight with a hurrucane blowing and watch the monsters die. OS far I only do like 300 dmg with it but in the end I'll probebly get it somewhere up to 1k I think and with tornadoes that do about 3k in dmg, ontop of this I'm gonna try to get a decent clup so that I can do like 1k in dmg myself.
The funniest thing is that I can just run thorugh an area and most mosters will die if they come closer that 5 yards to me

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:21 am
by Maisha
ooo i want that
sounds cool. lol can't wait.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:31 am
by Taco Magus
Ive Killed D C 4 times so far...1 time for a freind and 3 for myself...1 of my ani charms were stolen when i was xferin... blerg. next time he walks the earth im going to try something i heard. go to fridgid wp in act 5. make d c spawn at elditch(forgot his name) thwn make him folow u to shenk. kill shenk and d c will die. so its worth a try. i was going to w/ my palla but someone had already killed eld and shenk. so i went to stoney
the 1st time waas with my 96zon she did well. didnt die once...took about 10 mins to kill lol
2nd time was with my 85 sorc... i couldnt do it. i died and died and died so i kept the game open long enough to get my barb and a set belt that has prevent monster heal. i killed D C after a good many deaths and several million gold.
3rd time was for a freind w/ my 96 zon. killed lot fast and no deaths
4th time was with my 84 paladin. i slapped on my resist gear, lightning absorb, blackhorns and a ton of health pots. After i get D C to half life the game starts filling up(notice this always happens when your almost done with a quest too). i hostile them all. i end up dying 3 times, but i ended up with the charm. there were so many bodies laying around. i was very impressed with my self. i didnt think id be able to take 7 people and the clone at the same time.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:10 pm
by C Elegans
2nd time I encounter DC
I used my Meteorb Sorc again, she is now lvl 86, the hubby's lvl 85 Summon Necro and Dottie's lvl 83 Blizzard Sorc. We spawned him at Cold Plains again, and this time we cleaned out the area first.
DC went down in a few minutes, costed me 1 Super Healing and 1 Super Mana potion. No deaths apart from Dottie dying a couple of times due to having his MF-gear on, ie bad resists.
11/13/7 this time, not as good as the one the hubby has, but it doesn't matter since I only need the +1 to skills.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:33 pm
by Kool69
Clone D sounds so cool, I cant wait until, and i hope, get to fight him in hell diff with sabriel

Her whole D2 career has been testing herself and my buidl against the act bosses and quests, i absolutely distain rushing, but thats CRAZY 95% resist to all, even physical?!?!?! Dang i has been awhile since ive played D2. Man to me those, balrogs in chaos santuary, the unq pack, i think its infectors pack, was harder to me than Diablo!!! Is it the same for yall? Hey do you think two dwarf stars would be good for a melee character fighting him? 40% fire absorb coupled with 75% fire resist?
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 2:08 am
by garazdawi
Originally posted by Kool69
Man to me those, balrogs in chaos santuary, the unq pack, i think its infectors pack, was harder to me than Diablo!!! Is it the same for yall?
Yae, sometimes they can be really a pain in the behind. Escpecially when they are all fast runners. Then you just have to focus all your fighting power on the unique guy and hope that he dies so that you can push the last seal and kill the rest of his minions.
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:45 am
by Kool69
Thats a good idea i had to end up breaking up the pack until it was 5 normal ones and 2 norm and infector, ended up getting them though, lucky they cant shoot while theyre frozen

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:42 pm
by C Elegans
Killed DC 2 more times this week, I must be having a lucky streak...especially considering I also found some very good items yesterday, among them Nat's claw

so now I must start an MA Assasin! Now we have 4 Anni charms
3rd DC meeting: Dottie's pure cold sorc and my pure fire sorc tried to take DC out, but after about 15-20 mins we gave up since Dottie died several times, and DC regerated every time I was alone with him due to my Meteor not hitting him every time. He moves around in an irregular fashion, not necessary following me and certainly not standing still. You need a tank or something to freeze him with. Dottie left, and the hubby entered the game with his Necro again, took 2 mins or less to take out DC, I used 2 healing potions and a few mana potions.
4th meeting: Meteorb sorc and necro again, very swift again and no deaths. Necro and sorc is really easy - will be interesting to meet DC when I my other chars are high enough to enter Hell difficulty.
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:27 pm
by Kool69
Whats up people, I havent posted in a while, we'll my MA assassin is on a major halt right now. Gave up video games for lent or however you spell it. It's really, really hard for me, especially when I'm at my friend's house and he's playing it in front of me or at night when I don't have anything to do. Nice work C! 4 charms

If sabriel makes it there, we'll be pimping. Well unforuantaly sabriel had to be restarted because of some misplaced skill points

Oh well, I got her replaned out for a pure physical damage assassin

Would use TS and CS + Dragon Claw for alot of damage without kicking. Should I go Shadow Master or Shadow Warrior. Oh and C, if you use Mind Blast, the stun length is not dubbed down in hell

and thats what im planning on using. Also should i grab me a cold boy in act 3 or maybe a holy freeze in act 2 nm? or maybe a might merc?
Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 8:43 pm
by Kool69
Check out this
Foound this while i was sniffing around the internet, looks like a really fun build. D-kick looks cool to me.
Hope it helps!
Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 4:15 am
by C Elegans
@Kool: I've been very lucky lately

I hope Sabriel will Encounter DC when she enters hell! Sorry to hear about your skill misplacement, that has happened to me several times as time I also misplaced a skill point due to lag
Your build sounds good, but remember that you only need to put 1 point in CS, it's a one-point wonder skill

1 point is enough for sufficient leach. That leaves you with a lot of skillpoint to spend on either a trap or some finishing move, or both.
Regarding Merc, the Holy Freeze pallys are really useful, probably the best merc but not necessarily the most fun merc.
Thanks for the link, the "Striking Tiger, Lashing Dragon" build looks fun! I havent' decided how to build my MA Sin, she is only lvl 11 now