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Bug with sorc skill fire mastery

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:18 am
by Biohazard1
Has anyone else had a problem with the fire mastery skill in version .10? When I add a skill point to fire mastery, my hydra damage goes DOWN by 4%, rather than UP by 7%.

If this has happened to anyone else, how could such a major bug slip by the months of user testing done before the patch was finalized?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:22 pm
by Dottie
Never happened to me, and never heard about the bug either. Are you sure you are not switching any items that adds damage or such?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:31 pm
by Biohazard1
Yes, I'm sure.

I have one point each in the prereqs for cold orb, and one point each in the prereqs for hydra, plus one point each in static, telekinesis and teleport. When I add skill points to orb, hydra and fire mastery (in that order and all at the same time--without leaving the skill assignment screen), then the hydra damage goes down as soon as I add a skill point to fire mastery.

This is a very common build, so I'm surprised no one noticed before.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:19 pm
by Demortis
No one ive talked to that used that set up had anything to say about the drop in damage. it could just be your system but i dont know like i said never heard of the bug till now.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:36 am
by Talonsblade
sorry to say but when 1.10 patch came out some sorcs skills were killed off but others were given better like; fireball with sinergys maxed

fireball+firebolt= over 1400 damage i belive hydra damage was lowered so its not a bug.

cold damage blizzard is no king for killing orb as nerfed bad,

lightning lets just say static/teleport are still the best rest suck

paly skills have changed to the better i think.

necro is almost ten times better now then last past patch.

sad to say barb/amazon were nerfed badly with 1.10 patch in hell they wont live as much, but do hold there own in nightmare

assassin/driud not sure about the assassin but i hear that elemental driuds now rock

well thats my penny's worth and yea u guys can flame me now but what i say is true

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:24 am
by garazdawi
I've actually found that Chargezon's are really good in 1.10, as the Trappasin. With my Chargezon I do 8*(1~3000) in light dmg if all bolts hit and the light trap for my Trapassin does 4.5k with each volley and death sentry just plain rocks :) . Oh and as for elemental druids to rock, a wind druid surely doesn't anyway :( .