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Gathering Exception DATA???!!!?!?!!?

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:52 pm
by Gunblade
Hi iam new to this forum but not new to the game, and i upgraded my comp new video card and motherboard, and i reienstalled windows xp home and went and updated every driver you can think of and then i installed ds back on the comp playing with a few friends then i get this gathering exception data then when its fininsed it said error ds has to shut down blah blah blah, i went to microsoft and tryed evrything they said and i mean everything, i reieninstalled the game i dont how many times and windows xp about 3 times i dont know what to do anymore and hints would be helpfull!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:59 pm
by tom the terribl
DS Crashes

Do you have DirectX 9.01b? This is needed for DS. I also had problems with DS when I had only 512Mb of memory. So I upgraded to 2b bytes and DS rarely crashes now. Maybe you need more memory. If the error message says "out of memory" then the increase in system ram should solve your problem. If your getting an "exception error" and you have a new internet security system (like Norten Internet Security) the you need to input DS port numbers even if your going to play a local game because NIS will block a program from starting that has internet access before it even access the internet. The port numbers can be found in the DS readme in the DS folder or on this site.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:20 pm
by Gunblade
yes i have directx c and the only norton thing is system works.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:21 pm
by Gunblade
the only norton thing i have is system works

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:13 am
by tom the terribl

You said you only have directX C. Is this for a laptop? The latest directX is version 9.01b. Go to your accessories click on directx information. The list that come up include the directx information. You can also run tests on directx and view any difficulties. Directx will also know if the error relates to directx.

One possiblity is a file for Dungeon Siege was corrupted during installation. If so the prefered fix is to uninstall DS using its own uninstall in the DS folder. Then reintall using the express installation to be sure all files are put into correct folder.

An incompatible sound system will also cause a game to crash. So test the sound using the directx diagnostic tests. You may need to get a main stream sound card if it needs fixing.

The dungeon siege installation uses compressed files so you can not use a hard drive that also compressed the data. You may need to repartiion the hard drive and set up a partitoin that is not compresssed. A nasty thing to do because you have to reinstall everything.