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BotB - Head count

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:50 pm
by CM
Please state here if you will be playing World of Warcraft and will be part of BotB. If you are please state your continent and if you are in the US, East, Central or West.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:38 pm
by garazdawi
I wish I could say yes, but I've just become part of another guild and cannot therefore at this time say if I will have the time to have a char in BotB. If I do get the time I'll be sure to join you guys in your quest of wooping evil's (or good's) @ss :)

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:12 pm
by RandomThug
1 for the US

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:43 am
by Xandax
Well - I'll try it out - in Europe
(unless I've accidently bought the US version.... naa, of course not).

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:14 am
by rebel3_6_1
If it's gonna happen, I'll be a part of it. West Coast U.S. I could join any U.S. server if I needed to though.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:34 am
by CM
That is why i want a head count. Because if we can get what 10 people either US or EU we can start the guild and then work on it online.

So far we got 2 on 2. 2 US and 2 EU. We have a long way to go.


Those are the requirements we have for creating a guild. Question is if anybody knows, do we have to have a guild say in the US based Eastern and a seperate guild based Western? That would be pretty odd.

Basically if people are gonna play in the US do we choose only one time zone?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:39 am
by Darkness
Im in - and ill be playing from Europe.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:06 am
by CM
Ok so that is 3 on 3. Smass said he will play from the US as well and he is eastern from what i remember.

So if it is the US what time zone shall we decide on? East, West or Central? As there are 3 guys from the US time zones, you guys should decide. Personal opinion Central would be a great compromise.

Oh yeah i am guessing we will be play PvP right?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 9:28 am
by DeathLich
BotB?? is that a guild??

edit: sorry...being dumb...Blades of the Banshee...
No, I don't think I'll be joining, unless my friend isn't able to join WoW and start his planned guild.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:43 am
by RandomThug
I am picking up the game today. Central would work best... considering I am west coast and I believe others are east... unless majority are west then west would work hehe.

Go USA. Also I am going to find out if any other poeple I know who play online mmorpgs (good people) are going to play WoW. See if they will join... at least to get our numbers up.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:49 am
by CM
That would be a very good idea. If we can get our numbers to 10 on the US server, the EU server would be easier to run. RT you wanna head up the US-wing of BotB? If so you and i need to work together on setting up whatever is required for this guild. You got an e-mail or MSN?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:29 am
by Darkness
Ill check with some other blizzard freaks i know.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:53 am
by CM
Well that is just great. The more the merrier. We of course aim for maturing and casual gaming.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:18 pm
by MordorMan
I'm game for a European server. I don't mind which, I read they are all going to sit in my home town. Mature and casual sound good to me.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:00 pm
by rebel3_6_1
Well, I am probably going to start on my friend's 10 day guest player thing and then buy the game. Like I said earlier, I'm in the West Coast and don't know what server we want to join. I don't think I've seen anyone from the East Coast offer to join, and if it's possible I would like it to be in Kel' Thudan (or something like that) in the Mountain Timezone because it's the one my friend is in. I could just have a different character in each server if it needs to be in central or something though.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:18 pm
by RandomThug
DONT bother to right now. Servers are HOOOSED. Nothing is up...

I am playing on the only WestCoast RP server atm. Thats a good bet... no pvp but its not full of jerkwads.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:12 am
by Xandax
I hope a EU RP sever comes up as well ... haven't really seen much references to it :)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:28 am
by Darkness
[QUOTE=CM]Well that is just great. The more the merrier. We of course aim for maturing and casual gaming.[/QUOTE]
Theyre not crazy if thats what you think.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:35 am
by CM
[QUOTE=Darkness]Theyre not crazy if thats what you think.[/QUOTE]

I didnt mean that but hey some crazies are always fun to play with. :p

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:17 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=CM]I didnt mean that but hey some crazies are always fun to play with. :p [/QUOTE]

Sure - if they are mature crazies :D

One fear I have for WoW is the image of hordes of l337 wannabes that will run around leetspeaking and pwn peopel with their uber itamz while acting like they have hax0r skillz :D

But I hope that is just a fear ... otherwise - I'll not stick long in that game, and cross my fingers for a soon release of Dark n' Light :D