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Patch 1.10
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:33 pm
by moltovir
I wanted to play a small MP game with a friend, so I had to download the 1.10 patch. When I installed this and started my game, all my good equipment was gone! Instead of a very good wand (+2 to some Necromancer skills), a ring from the Angelic Raiment set and a shield of Hsaru's Defense, I now had a crappy 60% damage to undead wand and a shield and ring from completely different sets! How can this be?!
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 4:29 pm
by Casserole
What version were you previously playing with? Iirc the first 1.10 beta cause items to disappear when you updated to the second 1.10 beta (gamma?). But going from something like 1.09 to 1.10 should not have cause items to disappear.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:19 pm
by Deadalready
This is blizzard's way of "Rebalancing" the game, check their site for more details on changes to weapons and armour.
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:26 pm
by moltovir
You'd really start to hate Blizzard for this... while playing Act III I found no less than 2 set items, both from Hsaru's Defense. The one item I needed to complete the set was... the one I lost with the patch

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:43 am
by C Elegans
That's too bad, Moltovir, let's hope you find it again soon

This is the reason why I recommend everyone to install both D2 and LoD and then connect to Bnet and download the 1.10 patch immediately, before starting to play the game.
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:18 am
by Grimar
does this patch make the game easier(sp?)? i started a sorc and the first magic item i found was arctic fur(a set item)... now all enemies have 5% chance of hitting me. my other characters also seems to get it easier.. i kill monster much faster now than before installing the patch
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:57 pm
by C Elegans
The 1.10 patch actually makes the game harder, but not until Hell difficulty. At Normal and Nightmare the game may seem easier because the item drop formula was changed so you have a higher chance of getting better items earlier than in 1.09. Monsters are a bit faster, too, but it's not until Hell difficulty you will really notice that 1.10 is considerably harder.
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:00 am
by moltovir
OK... previously I thought the change of items was meant to balance the game, but what I've seen today makes me believe my game is totally screwed. My ring from the Angelic Raiment set was replaced by Isenhart's Lightbrand and my Hsaru Buckler was replaced by Civerbs Icon, which are also very good items. I checked the GB sets page and saw that the Lightbrand was supposed to be a longsword instead of a ring, and that the icon was originally an amulet instead of a buckler. I payed it no attention because patch 1.10 seemed to change a lot of things, but now, in the beginning of Act V, I found a second part of Civerbs Vestments, being Civerbs Ward... a shield. Since the Icon is also a shield (in my game), it is impossible to wear both at the same time to get the set bonus! Is this a huge bug in D2 or did someone at Blizzards sleep when making this patch?