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What about KOTOR III

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:08 pm
by Darth Moudi
Does anyone even know if there going to come out with a KOTOR III? :confused:

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:18 pm
by Darth Zenemij
Well..........I am pretty sure that they will.But it would be pretty hard though,Fitting the Exile and Revan in there at the same time and all...I have herd some on it's production and all.But not entirely sure. :(

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:20 pm
by Jon_Irenicus
I hope not. They kinda started screwing the story right here, though they really had a good idea (Kreia would have been a really interesting character if they had worked on her).

I would rather have them make another Star Wars themed RPG game not necessarily set in the same era or about the same people. I kinda felt duped when I found myself in the familiar (*cough* boring) confines of the Ebon Hawk and the Harbinger (not even mentioning Korriban).

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:29 pm
by Somni
do you guys even know the story?!? The states that the true sith is in the unknown regions and you have to stop them. So sure they have to make it
because then they would lose money and go out of production and also they would be leaving gaps behind.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:13 am
by Ergophobia
I hope they will make a sequel... hopefully then the story of part 2 is finally cleared up too. Maybe an expansion is an idea? Then again, probably not.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:10 pm
by Darth Zenemij
I agree.An expansion would be very good.I think it would depend though weather you went dark or light.To continue on as a sith lord or to go on as a jedi...It all seems very odd to me though. :confused:

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:42 am
by Darth Kay
Final episode

Kotor 3 will be the final kotor!!!!
It's will serve as a conclusion on an existing storyline!!Kreia reveals a bit in the end of kotor 2. Revan and the exile had a purpose for the final instalment of the saga. After kotor 3 lucasarts will produce another 3 part rpg serie, but that saga will be set in another timeline and will have another name!!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:54 am
by Exil
hmm oki sounds good, but i want to beat Tulak Hord in a Lightsaber match. so that era would be good.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:57 am
by Jon_Irenicus
I wonder if they plan on actually having us play a character fighting alongside Revan on the Outer Rim or if we shall actually travel to the Outer Rim (after Revan has been there) and uncover Revan's fate. Both would make good plots for a game though setting the game on the Outer Rim would require a totally new atmosphere.

I certainly hope we don't actually get to play Revan though, since (s)he has been made into such a great character that I believe (s)he should remain as an NPC from now on.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:04 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Darth Moudi]Does anyone even know if there going to come out with a KOTOR III? :confused: [/QUOTE]

Pure speculation on my part, but remember the words of the sainted Yogurt in Spaceballs: it's all about MOICHANDIZING. ;) If Lucasarts feels it can squeeze a tidy profit out of another KotoR title, they'll do it. And I strongly suspect they will. The question is whether Obsidian would get the contract, and I hope that's the case. For all the bollixing up of the story at the end (from Lucasarts rushing the job), it is still a far more compelling story with far deeper characters than in the original KotoR.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:27 am
by Jon_Irenicus
I have to disagree... somewhat. The main story/plot of KOTOR1 is stronger whereas KOTOR2 generally hints at certain truths (but never gives you a through explanation of what is actually going on).

Granted, the NPCs (not just the party members) of KOTOR2 are stronger (in terms of character) but their background stories seem a little... rushed, to put it bluntly. Most of the enemies you defeat look and feel like important characters, but you don't get to learn much about them (how they came to be who they are, what purpose they have, etc...)

Of course the problem with any sequel is that the initial surprise effect is lost and you have to do a lot of story telling to get the machinations of the plot going. Sadly, I must say I didn't get enough story telling in this game.

But that's just me...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:50 am
by fable
I've seen that reaction; each to their own. I found the "in-your-face" presentation of party character information of KotoR two-dimensional, and the characters themselves had no depth. By contrast, KotoR2 (IMO) gives you a fine portrait whose detail is only worked out gradually. And I like the way they provide a stereotypical scoundrel, complete with exceptionally bad patter, only to make you realize later it's all a front for a complex, disturbed young man.

Things like this, and a few details of the writing, made me see a curious resemblance to PS:T, as I noted above. I then checked the credits to both games, and was pleased to see that Chris Avellone was lead designer on both projects. So that explains why there's a carry-over of what I best can describe as "flavor." :D But that's just my POV.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:14 am
by Jon_Irenicus
Yeah you're mostly right. I can say I really hate Atton, but that's a good thing (because if he wasn't built up with a solid background, I would merely be annoyed him and have no strong feelings about him). In that regard, KOTOR2 has a lot of improvements (and it is safe to to compare it with PS:T, though PS:T will always have that special place in my mind at least).

The big disappointment for me was the great characters you killed though. (getting spoilerish...) The thing is, with a character like Malak, you don't need a strong background. He betrayed Revan (in similar Sith fashion) and wanted to rule over the known galaxy. But when you have a dark lord like Darth Nihilus, who doesn't actually want to rule anything but instead wants to drain the galaxy of all life, the classic "bad guy" character assumption doesn't work him. So I needed some more light shed on his story.

Maybe I'm just getting too critical because of years of gaming...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:17 am
by fable
No, you have a point. I think there was clearly some material there which was cut for lack of time to develop. But I did find the depth of the various Sith far, far better than the usual mustache-twirling Evil Guys of typical Star Wars space opera fame. :rolleyes:

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:41 am
by Jon_Irenicus
Damn early releases and meeting dead lines. I wonder if this idea of "rushing the game" actually serves the company: it certainly doesn't make it easy for the developers, the game is always dwarfed somehow (compared to what it could be if it were completely finished) and in the end, we gamers look at these "left out" features and feel sad about them (sometimes even get a petition going :) ).

Probably it serves as marketing advantages or smt...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:13 am
by Faust
[QUOTE=fable] For all the bollixing up of the story at the end (from Lucasarts rushing the job), it is still a far more compelling story with far deeper characters than in the original KotoR.[/QUOTE]

I must admit, I enjoyed the way the story was told in KotOR2 much more than I did the first one. There was perpertually a sense of mystery, and pieces of the puzzle were slowly revealed. The NPCs were quite deep, and each - from Atton to T3- carried a bit of mystery in themselves (though, I must admit, I found many of the NPCs in KoTOR deep, as well.)

With that said, I thought that while these storytelling techniques employed in KoTOR2 were quite good, the game ended up feeling very rushed. In particular, while the NPCs seemed quite deep, they also felt unactualized. Meaning, it was frustrating that your NPCs ran out of things to say to you when you're on the verge of getting to know them, had no NPC specific quests (though the first game quests were really horrible). Moreover, while each was somewhat interesting, the NPCs really cease being important once you recruit them. They may have a twinge of mystery to them, but if you ignored them the rest of the trip, it wouldn't matter. It would have been nice to see their storylines play out in some depth either independently from the main quest or in conjunction with it. Similarly, they didn't really craft a compelling romance in KoTOR2. The ones presented in the first game were much more compelling.

Similarly, the worlds felt much smaller in KotOR2, with the exception of Nar Shadda. Now, perhaps, thats a matter of perception. All I know I was very dissappointed by how small Korriban was, for instance.

Likewise, the game, I think, dissappointed many of us because it was anticlimatic. We had high expectations for the encounters with the Sith Lords (who were much more interesting villains than Malak), and they weren't particularly difficult or, more importantly, interesting. You really do not get to know the two Sith Lords very well, at all. More cutscenes featuring them, or something along those lines, might have aided in that.

Likewise, I had high expectations for the end game scenario. <Pseuo-Spoilers> Meaning, I hoped NPCs would have roles and stories in that, perhaps I hoped for a final city or at least a chance to re-explore Telos, etc. The last few things you do are simply too strung together, and lacking in substance in places.

So, all things considered, while I liked the second game, it lacked the fine-tuning of the first game. More importantly, it seems the end of the first game was more carefully planned out or implemented than the end of the second game. The post-collecting Jedi Masters portion of the game is just really poorly developed, in my estimate.

Finally, I didn't realize it was possible to develop a game that made one of the Final Fantasies or the first KOTOR look difficult.... I'll let that go for now...

Anyway, to the post at hand, I sincerely suspect that a 3rd game is in the works. The ending of this one seemed to imply that this was at least a trilogy, in my estimate (in good Star Wars fashion). That and I'm sure the product will be mad successful. So its just good money sense. I look forward to a third game, though I do hope it resolves some of these issues I've been complaining about. Still, Obsidian did a fine job with KotOR2, but I can't help but feel the deadline weakened a potentially phenomenal game, turning it into an "okay" role playing game.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:15 am
by Kienan
[QUOTE=Darth Kay]Kotor 3 will be the final kotor!!!!
It's will serve as a conclusion on an existing storyline!!Kreia reveals a bit in the end of kotor 2. Revan and the exile had a purpose for the final instalment of the saga. After kotor 3 lucasarts will produce another 3 part rpg serie, but that saga will be set in another timeline and will have another name!![/QUOTE]
Fine with me :) .
Since there seems to be a lot of complaining about TSL I just want to ad my gripe. It really annoys me the ways they come up with to make you stay on a planet once you have landed there. In the beginning of the game your ship gets shot down at least FOUR times. Come ON! Gr...Overally a very good game though... :)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:57 pm
by jsaving
To answer the original question, Obsidian has been developing KOTOR3 for months now in anticipation of KOTOR2 being a hit. So yes, there will definitely be a sequel to KOTOR2.

Presumably, Kreia's dialogue regarding Revan has something to do with KOTOR3's plot...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:16 pm
by Kienan
[QUOTE=jsaving]To answer the original question, Obsidian has been developing KOTOR3 for months now in anticipation of KOTOR2 being a hit. So yes, there will definitely be a sequel to KOTOR2.

Presumably, Kreia's dialogue regarding Revan has something to do with KOTOR3's plot...[/QUOTE]
I am just curious: How do you know?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:28 pm
by Somni
it's common sense. Why would Obsidian want to go out of production? Why lose the money they need? And it's obvious the 2nd game left more than a hundred gaps and questions that will be answered in kotor 3.