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Keep getting an error....

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:15 pm
by Darkelf773
Hi all, I just got this game, last week, and started in on DS, and got hooked.

Problem I am having, after I get into Chapter 4, I freed Merik,...I get to the mean,cross shop keeper out in the woods, and get the dreaded "expentional error,....." and the game locks up,...with me "stuck" in the map, no where to go,..."I can move the group" in the map, but there is no connectting areas, and so "I am stuck!" :confused:

Just need to know what is what, and I thought I had an "updated" generic Computer, and I don't know all that computer talk...."an old man here", LoL!

Thanks for any help, I will be checking back, from time-to-time. :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:50 am
by tom the terribl

Did someone in your group get a blessing from a fairy. If so the error is causes by the fairy. IRyan wrote a mod to fix it, called fairyfix. Down load it from or this site.