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This game is really not being advertised properly is it?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:58 am
by ajdaha
This game is really not being advertised properly is it?

I mean, there's no-one posting here. All the people I know have never heard of it. Xcept me, and that was because I was actually once interested in Martial Arts and was introduced to this game by a random person whom I was talking to. It came out today in the UK but I decided not to buy it since I'm pre-occupied with Kotor II.
Please Bioware, don't get the wrong message. I'm sure its a great game.
You guys make the best games. :)
Carry on.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:16 am
by Faust
[QUOTE=ajdaha]This game is really not being advertised properly is it?

I mean, there's no-one posting here. All the people I know have never heard of it. Xcept me, and that was because I was actually once interested in Martial Arts and was introduced to this game by a random person whom I was talking to. It came out today in the UK but I decided not to buy it since I'm pre-occupied with Kotor II.
Please Bioware, don't get the wrong message. I'm sure its a great game.
You guys make the best games. :)
Carry on.[/QUOTE]

I'm a bit suprised that there haven't been more posts about the game. I imagine that being X-Box only and having just been released are two of the basic factors slowing posting rates down on it. Still, I thought the game was advertised fairly well. Beyond the numerous banner ads for it on this website, as well as other gaming sites, I actually saw television commercials for Jade Empire and US dealers like EB pushed it fairly heavily. Given, perhaps in UK its not being advertised as thoroughly.

Anyway, its a good game. Beyond being beautiful, it has an engaging story and entertaining combat system. If you enjoyed the KoTOR titles (for reasons beyond the Star Wars Universe), you'll probably like the game. The lessons that Bioware learned from designing KoTOR seem to be present in Jade Empire in terms of both gameplay and story telling. I've really enjoyed it so far and found it to be a much more satisfying meal than many other X-Box RPGs.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:02 pm
by Ned Flanders
I don't know how much play JE will get around here. For the most part, it's a PC gamer's realm.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:31 pm
by fable
From what I can tell, it's really an action game with the most dumbed-down of RPG trappings. Not exactly my type of fare. I suspect others here are going to be of similar mind, given the games this group tends to like.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:57 pm
by Ned Flanders
[QUOTE=fable]From what I can tell, it's really an action game with the most dumbed-down of RPG trappings. Not exactly my type of fare. I suspect others here are going to be of similar mind, given the games this group tends to like.[/QUOTE]

I'm not willing to judge it that quickly. In another thread here, I commented it's a combo of dark alliance/KotOR (the combat is action oriented, you don't issue an attack command, you have to go hit stuff). If it is, in fact, filled with dumbed down RPG trappings, I would say it's on par with most efforts these days in the CRPG genre. The interface is real smooth and there is depth when conversing with the denizens of the realm. I'm looking forward to seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes with regards to world construction. If they have done a good job in creating a rich and convincing history of the empire, I think it will be a worthwhile experience.


Not sure where you live but I think the game has received a lot buzz here in the states. The bioware name pretty much sells itself. The forums are packed around the clock, day after day, so I don't really think too much of an advertising campaign was required.

Now, as for here, I didn't expect there to be too much buzz on the JE forum.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:59 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=fable]From what I can tell, it's really an action game with the most dumbed-down of RPG trappings. Not exactly my type of fare. I suspect others here are going to be of similar mind, given the games this group tends to like.[/QUOTE]

That statement is pretty off base from my play. I'd recommend you try it before judging it as such.

It's true that Jade Empire is more action oriented than many traditional RPGs. It's more in line with games such as VtM Bloodlines and Fable in that regard, than turn based games or CRPGs like BG. Still, its nothing like other action RPGs such as Diablo or X-Men Legends. I've not played BG: DA. It's my inclination, from what I've read about the game, that it bears some similarities but that Jade Empire is much more substantial in terms of RPG content.

The game is propelled by an interesting main storyline, of which your character is at the heart of. There are major cities, many NPCs you can interact with, a variety of side quests (many of which do not require combat at all, or have charm/intimidate/intuition routes around combat). Moreover, there's a rich and complex history about the Jade Empire you can explore or ignore through various dialogue options, or scroll randomly placed throughout the game. You also have options as to how evil, neutral, or good you wish your character to be. It effects numerous outcomes through the game. The entire good/evil system is much more nuanced and interesting than the distinctions in Fable or KoTOR, from my estimate. There is more of a gray line in this game. Finally, while ultimately linear, the game has non-linear elements much like BG2, KoTOR I and II, NwN (you get to chose which order you do things in at various points, etc.).

The game has issues. It's not horribly difficult (though it probably is more challenging than a Final Fantasy or KoTOR title). Likewise, the NPC system is a lot like the NwN henchmen system. Finally, the itemization is really something that takes getting use to (largely gem based, as opposed to traditional armor, etc.).

So, while I don't think you would find it as satisfying of an RPG meal as a Morrowind or a Baldurs Gate (for your tastes), you'd probably enjoy the game as a piece of fluff, in the same vein you enjoy a KoTOR title.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:16 am
by ajdaha
I like in the UK.

X-men and Diablo are action RPGs? Not much action involved there I don't think.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:27 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=ajdaha]I like in the UK.

X-men and Diablo are action RPGs? Not much action involved there I don't think.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the definition of an Action RPG is fairly loose. Essentially, its a distinction that many folks use to talk about games that are entirely hack and slash but have RPG trappings (i.e. leveling up, storyline, gearing up, etc.). Often games that have more action game combat set-ups (not the more turned-base or pause and select style of combat) but otherwise are RPGs are grouped in that category. I was simply stating that Jade Empire has more traditional RPG bearings than the first definition of "action RPG."

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:44 am
by stanolis
hack n slash

je is hack n slash? no selecting target and choosing action like kotor 1/2

reason i ask - my friend shanna has bad vision or coordination, but loves to play games
she loved kotor 1/2 bc of the dice
she didn't have "see" the bad guys or worry about combos or hit the attack button very fast
when we play halo 1/2, i have to watch her back constantly

constantly on lookout for her type of games and at first, i though i found one

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:57 am
by ajdaha
Sorry buddy. If it takes her long to make moves, this game might not be for her. Then again, choosing easy mode and playing as a magician might help her a bit.
I don't know though, I haven't got the game. I think that you still select the characters to attack, or do you? I don't know.