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belt size

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:35 pm
by epitaph
i was wondering how to increase belt size.
my lvl 33 barb haz only 2 levels in his belt but my lvl 17 necro haz four.
what kind of items increase belt size as it would be really helpful for my barb?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:45 pm
by the_limey
The belts get bigger as thet get better- for example, a sash has less levels that a light plated belt. Just get some better gear :D

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:24 pm
by C Elegans
There is actually two ways to improve how many rows your belt has. Like Limey says, all items you find and can buy in the shops will get better the longer you play. In the beginning, you will only find 2-row belts, then in Act 4 you can buy Plated belts with 4 rows in the shops, if you haven't found any 4-row belts prior to that. However - it is very important to note that a 4-row plated belt will require much more strenght to wear than the exceptional verion of a sash.

In Diabo, there are 3 verions of each type of item, normal, exceptional and elite. So a 2-row sash has no strengt requirement, and the 4-row plated belt has 60 str requirement. The exceptional version of sash is called Demonhide sash and has 4 rows and 20 str requirement. Thus, if you play a necro you prefer a Demonhide sash since you don't want to put a lot of points in strengt.

Except for simply getting better items, you can also upgrade some item types. Rare and unique items can be upgraded to the higher version of the same item, so if you find a really good rare sash with great mods (modifiers) on, you can upgrade it to exceptional, ie to a Demonhide sash and it will keep the mods. To upgrade a rare normal belt, put a Ral Rune + a Thul Rune + a perfect amethyst together with the belt in the Horadric cube, and merge.