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map hack

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 11:01 am
by epitaph
i was wondering how bad map hack says on that anyone found using it would get there accound disabled.does this happen.
it sounds good i would not use it to pk i would just like to get to the place i want to go rather than clear the whole the map changing all the time is very annoying.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 1:10 pm
by C Elegans
Maphack is illegal software and Blizzard have closed many thousand account because they have detected use of maphack. Apart from the risk of being banned from Battlenet, maphacks also make you vulnerable for hacking from other players. Hacking of your account and theft of your items is possible due to your use of maphack. Thus, we do not recommend using maphack or other illegal software.

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