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Jedi Powers You'd Like To See in KOTOR III?
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:22 am
by Ammar87
I read the other KOTOR III thread and someone mentioned that force push should be developed so that you could use it Vader ep 5 style. That would be sweet!
I'd also like to see a Force Style that allows you to absorb certain force powers and deflect them like Yoda did in ep 2 or maybe even use a lightsaber to block force lightning.
Force Pull would also be effective if you tried to protect your weaker party members
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:46 am
by MErkx
Maybe a force power where you can lift you're component (or anything else you want to!) and pretty much do everything you want with it like bashing it against walls of penetrating it with your lightsaber while he's watching and hanging in the air
just like anakin in episode 3 the game where you see him lifting up a huge statue and throwing it trough a door!
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:25 am
by MErkx
Did I say component?! I ment opponent
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:37 am
by Nar
The Force Speed power is very useful and Battle Meditation can be still used in the main plot...
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:01 pm
by Ripe
I'd like to see Morichro from P'n'P game. It's one of the most powerfull (if not The most powerfull) force powers in PnP game and it's limited only to LS characters. It's also a great power for roleplaying due to its severe limitations and cost (in PnP Star Wars game force powers are payed with Vitality Points and Morichro cost you 16 VP).
From Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (short version)
Morichro (Force feat)
Prerequisite: Alter, Control, Force-sensitive feats, Force-user level 9, Wisdom 15, Heal Another 9 ranks, Heal self 9 ranks, no more that 2 Dark side points
Benefit: The target of Morichro makes a Will saving throw with DC depending on your level (9-10 DC 15; 11-15 DC 20; 16-20 DC 25).
If the save succeds target is exhasted (-6 to Str and Dex, only half normal move speed) for duration of encounter. After the encounter target is fatigued (-2 to Str and Dex, can't run or charge) untill he rest for 8 hours.
If the save fails target is rendered unconscious. The state of unconsciousness last until target takes wound damage or becomes targer of another force skill or feat. The power has no other time limit meaning that the target could remain unconscious indefinetly. If left unatended target may die of starvation or dechydration which gives force-user who initiated Morichro 1 Dark side point.
If the save fails by 10 points or more target imediatly perishes and force-user gains 1 Dark side point.
Cost: 16 Vitality points
It would made quite interesting and potentialy dangerous force power to use by LS characters. You use Morichro, someone dies, you gain DSP and loose Force mastery bonuses or your LS/DS meter falls below 75% light and you can't use Morichro anymore until you gain some LSP and raise your meter above 75% light. That would require some role-playing on our part in order to use this power.
Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 11:28 pm
by Darth Searus
There are already so many force powers... I don't know. I would like to able to get force crus or force enlightenment earlier in the game though.
Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:29 pm
by Master Joliath
FORCE PUNCH!!! how about an quick punch like dash on the incredbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:08 pm
by DarthSion
I would definately like to see more ls powers, maybe a beam that u shoot out of ur hand that is extremely bright, and shocks ur enemies.hehhehehehehehehe.
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:38 pm
by Chimaera182
[QUOTE=MErkx]Maybe a force power where you can lift you're component (or anything else you want to!) and pretty much do everything you want with it like bashing it against walls of penetrating it with your lightsaber while he's watching and hanging in the air
just like anakin in episode 3 the game where you see him lifting up a huge statue and throwing it trough a door![/QUOTE]
I'd want to do that, too, but only because I'm sadistic and took extreme pleasure in using Force grip in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy to throw my opponents over ledges to plunge to their deaths. But I think we have enough powers as it is, but if KotOR III would let me do this, I would be rather satisfied.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:14 am
by MErkx
[QUOTE=Chimaera182]I'd want to do that, too, but only because I'm sadistic and took extreme pleasure in using Force grip in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy to throw my opponents over ledges to plunge to their deaths. But I think we have enough powers as it is, but if KotOR III would let me do this, I would be rather satisfied.
No comments there
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 11:47 am
by Superdude
Minor power, but I'd like to see you be able to use the Force to open locked footlockers, doors, etc. Instead of bashing them.
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:21 pm
by penguin_king
id like to be able to open doors, lockers, containers etc from a distance using the force.
Heres an interesting scenario to help you think about it:
Your fighting off a million mercenaries (sure) and you notice a large door behind them. you open the door withour them knowing and all of a sudden a milllion boma beasts storm out and rampage the mercenaries.
Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 8:29 pm
by Red_X
I think there should be more light side powers that affect the entire party, there are some really good powers that you can use on yourself but as you level up you dont really need them. and whats the point if your the only one protected and everyone else is getting there a$$ kicked? I know some work on everyone like battle meditation and inspire followers but I think the light side powers would be soooo mutch better if they affected the entire party.
I cant think of anything else besides that.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:08 am
by blackbow
I think that they should set up your force powers to allow you to temporarily add levels to your skills. If you think about it, it makes sense... using the Force to figure out that lock that you couldn't open before, using the Force to disarm that mine you couldn't before, using the Force to increase your Treat Injury because somebody's really badly hurt, (poisoned or something that regular medpacs can't handle, I dunno), using the Force to increase your stealth, et cetera. You could call it Skill Boost, Knight Skill Boost, and Master Skill Boost. It would last for maybe a minute of real time.
Edit: additionally you should be able to Force Manipulate objects, i.e., open doors from a distance, set off mines from a distance (whether they were yours or not), telekinese objects that are too far away from you to reach because there's a monster in the way, and on, and on, and on...
Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:41 am
by penguin_king
like making the ceiling of a cave fall on an unsuspecting rancor?
Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 9:51 am
by Red_X
Edit: additionally you should be able to Force Manipulate objects, i.e., open doors from a distance, set off mines from a distance (whether they were yours or not), telekinese objects that are too far away from you to reach because there's a monster in the way, and on, and on, and on...[/QUOTE]
You can set of mines from a distance in the KOTOR 2, If u get the destroy droid(I think thats what its called) force power. You can set off mines like you kill(or shock) droids, I didnt figure it out untill i tried to disarm a mine and the little destroy droid icon came up on one of the options. Its really cool, you can set off four or five at a time. (sorry if you already new that)
The other stuff sounds good though, its a pain when you cant get into lockers and boxes b/c your skill is too low, HELLO your a Jedi, one of the most powerful people in the universe and you cant even open a freakin locker.
Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:55 am
by blackbow
[QUOTE=Red_X]You can set of mines from a distance in the KOTOR 2, If u get the destroy droid(I think thats what its called) force power. You can set off mines like you kill(or shock) droids, I didnt figure it out untill i tried to disarm a mine and the little destroy droid icon came up on one of the options. Its really cool, you can set off four or five at a time. (sorry if you already new that)
The other stuff sounds good though, its a pain when you cant get into lockers and boxes b/c your skill is too low, HELLO your a Jedi, one of the most powerful people in the universe and you cant even open a freakin locker.
set off? I knew you could blow them up but I didn't know they would actually damage anybody in the area. I never tried it.
Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:25 pm
by Red_X
Well I have never had one damage people but I have also never really beside someone. I figured since there was an explosion after you fry it that thats what you were doing. Im not sure, sorry if I confused you.
Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:30 pm
by blackbow
try it and see. now you've got me all curious.
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:39 am
by techoluvr
I would like a force power that would let you wipe an enemies mind clear of everything. Then you could use them like someone in your party, but you would be able to have a whole army of them instead of just your 2 party members. That would rock. Act as back-up or sumthin you know?
Another force power i would like to see would be sumthing like force yank/pull. You could like take an enemies weapon out of their hand and make them go h2h combat style.