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Stupid question about talents

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 11:03 am
by gcabiat
Hi, I want to know when you Unlearn your talents, do you get all your talent points back? in order to better distribute them.. or do you loose them?
I'm kind of afraid of unlearning because of that.
The manual says you can unlearn them but it doesnt say if you get the points back or loose them.


Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 12:12 pm
by Xandax
When you respec (unlearn) you naturally recive all the talents back.

However - you need to pay a price each time, starting from 1g for the first respec, then 5, 10, 15 and up to 50g I belive is the cap.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:43 am
by Brynn
Exactly, up to 50g. So be very careful what talents to choose... It's better to keep them unspent for a while to see what you'll really need than respeccing after a while for a fortune... I don't know what lvl you are, but keep in mind that the mount you can get at lvl 40 will cost 80g (unless you're warlock or paladin). So, save as much as you can with choosing your talents carefully :)

Oh, one more thing came to my mind about it... There are certain spells that are talent rewards, eg. Pyroblast or Blast Wave. Now, if you start building a Fire tree and get Pyro, and by all the ranks in it for a lot of money, and then you respec to Frost, these spells are gone, so the investment was in vain!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:53 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Brynn]Exactly, up to 50g. So be very careful what talents to choose... It's better to keep them unspent for a while to see what you'll really need than respeccing after a while for a fortune... I don't know what lvl you are, but keep in mind that the mount you can get at lvl 40 will cost 80g (unless you're warlock or paladin). So, save as much as you can with choosing your talents carefully :)
78g for the mount and 12g for the riding skill - if you are honored I think.

And saving on respecs is good advice, next time my priest has to respec it will cost me 15 or 20g (can't remember) :o

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:06 am
by Yeltsu
I think I will wait with the respeccing with my pally untill lvl 60, then I should b sure of what I want

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:41 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=Xandax]78g for the mount and 12g for the riding skill - if you are honored I think.

And saving on respecs is good advice, next time my priest has to respec it will cost me 15 or 20g (can't remember) :o [/QUOTE]
What lvl is your priest?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:26 am
by Xandax
53, and I have at least one respec to do still once I decide on my final spec (or rather the next "final" spec) :D

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:18 am
by tj_92
i know this isnt exactly the same point but also can you unlearn your trade skills like skinning and stuff?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:15 am
by Stilgar
Yes you can, but all skill gathered then is lost.
And you would have to learn your new profession from scratch

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:27 am
by Rob-hin
When you unlearn your talents, do yo unlearn all of them or is it 'price per point'?

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:54 am
by Stilgar
All of them

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:28 am
by tj_92
how do you un-learn your proffesions? cause i did skinning and tailoring not a good match

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:16 pm
by Stilgar
Skinning tailoring is a good match,
If you want to unlearn a talent, click the small icon next to your skill bar.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:14 pm
by RaVeN899
u get up the skill bar by pressing "k" then u click on the proffesion skill bar, so that it shows up in the bottom of the skill page. to the right there u see an little red thingy that unlearns ur skill....

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:29 am
by tj_92
thanks ill remeber that for when the game starts working again :D ....or my computer fixed......either way i wanna play the game