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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:57 am
by Brynn
I'm sure this is a probelm for everyone.... or not? I'm lvl 27, having 7g 50s atm, and I already know that I'll have to spend 3g 60s for spell at next lvl up... Never seen 10g together! :eek: How on earth am I supposed to collect 100g (or so) for the mount in the next 13 lvls if I haven't even managed to collect 50g in the past 27....? :(

I know I made a very wrong choice with Enchanting at the beginning, I had to explode a LOT of valuable magical items to get reagents, and the benfit was nowhere near comparable to the money loss. I dropped it finally and took on Herba and Alchemy, at least those help to keep us alive! Already find them twice as much useful as Ench, even if I only have half as much skill point in them as I had in Ench when I dropped it...

So my question is, how do you gain enough money? The amount I get for Qs and killing mobs while completing Qs is enough to cover my studies, but if I can save only 1g/lvl I'll be still very poor at lvl 40...

What do you do?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:30 am
by Rob-hin
I have 2 gold at level 16...

Mounts are probaly ment for high level characters, even higher then at which level you can get them.

You'll earn more money at higher levels though. At lower level you'll euarn them by silverpieces, I suppose you'll start earning goldpieces later.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:58 am
by Yeltsu
Well, most of my guildies started saving from lvl 30 I think (I didn't, pally you know :P ) And although some of them had to borrow some money, most did it okay. Remember, instances are your friend! Especially the one called Scarlet Monastery. (lvl 35-40) There are lvl 60 people in my guild who solo that place still, when they need money, I got 15g there on one run there once. :D

Plus, alot of cloth items drop there, good for your mage ;)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:05 am
by Xandax
Don't buy every skill unless you have to.

Sell all what you can collect, especially at higher levels where vendor loot can give more money.

When you get closer to 40 you will find places that drop better loot. Such as Rock Elements dropping rocks giving surprisingly much at vendors.

Use gathering skill and try to sell on AH (Skinning is easy).

If you aren't in a guild or supporting an enchanter, try to AH all the green/blue loot you get.

Don't worry about money. There is no rule stating you have to get your mount at L40 sharp, you can still buy one at L45 :)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:08 am
by Brynn
Well that's a good idea. Maybe I should go back to Deadmines and do it all over again, just me and the Warrior... Hm...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:16 am
by Brynn
Xandax wrote:If you aren't in a guild or supporting an enchanter, try to AH all the green/blue loot you get.
Hm, does that work for you? I tried twice or so, I had a green axe and a cool robe, but nobody wanted to buy it so I just lost the money I had to pay for the auction :( Maybe I did something wrong...? I accepted the price that was generated, I didn't raise it or something...
Don't worry about money. There is no rule stating you have to get your mount at L40 sharp, you can still buy one at L45 :)
That's right but I just can't wait to get one :D Mounts are great, and save you the flight fee :D
(I'll never cease to envy Warlcoks for their cool flame-feet horses... And they get it for free, where's justice in that?! /sigh)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:22 am
by Yeltsu
That's right but I just can't wait to get one :D Mounts are great, and save you the flight fee :D [/QUOTE]

heh, I've had a mount now for 15 levels, and I have not once chosen to ride somewhere instead of fly. Flying is so much faster, you wouldn't believe it.

But for some maps, I have no idea what I would do without a mount, some of those are so ridiculously big...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:25 am
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Brynn]Hm, does that work for you? I tried twice or so, I had a green axe and a cool robe, but nobody wanted to buy it so I just lost the money I had to pay for the auction :( Maybe I did something wrong...? I accepted the price that was generated, I didn't raise it or something...
Actually no. I've only sold marginal stuff on AH because everything I gained I didn't need went to guild, and then on to other characters/enchanters.
Yet still I managed to save enough money for my buying my mount at around L40.5 :)
And I practically only grinded for money from about level 39.

Also a good tip - don't buy stuff on the AH. Use what you find and earn through quests if the mount is that important for you :)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:00 am
by Rob-hin
[QUOTE=Xandax]Also a good tip - don't buy stuff on the AH. Use what you find and earn through quests if the mount is that important for you :) [/QUOTE]

Lol, as a cheap player, thats what I do. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:50 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=Xandax]Also a good tip - don't buy stuff on the AH. Use what you find and earn through quests if the mount is that important for you :) [/QUOTE]
Luckily, I need no weapons, so I haven't even gone near the AH since I found out that I lose money if my auction doesn't sell :D I have never seen a garment any better than I can get as Q rewards in the AH either... (Just got my brand new robe for a mage Q, so happy with it, looks great and gives nice bonuses :D )


I think I'll have to be patient for now. See how it goes and start grinding at lvl 35 :D

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:06 am
by RaVeN899
when i began to save for my mount i was at lvl 39:/
I found that the best way was to get one in my guild, a lvl 60 char to help me through SM a couple of times... around 10 i think it was :D
i am a warrior so part 2 and 3 was really good :)
After the last run i had 138g almost all the rare equipment from SM, and my mount did i buy at lvl 40 + ca 100 xp :D :D

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 6:45 am
by Brynn
So you could gather 90g in one lvl?

I'm 35 atm and have 28g...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:16 am
by tj_92
i have got 6g 13s at level 29 im not good with money lol but my brother ita tauren and he is god dammed rich hes lvel 29 aswell hes got 34gold and like every time he goes on here he gets like another gold

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:00 am
by Brynn
Ok, I found the way to get 60g in 3 lvls!

I'm 38 atm and have 86g, I'm positive about getting the remaining 4g in 2 lvls :D :D :D

How did I do it?


I'm herbalist/alchemist, only used herba for gaining money (didn't want to spend 5g on Alch, but that'll be the first thing I'll do as soon as I get my horsey). Collected as much as I could of the hihger lvl herbs (liferoot and up) and sold them at AH. Great way to get money :) Also, mining Mithril will make you very rich :)

It takes time and patience, I know, but it won't earn you XP (if you don't want to reach lvl50 while still grinding for the mount), and if you can craft some good stuff of the material you find, that'll earn you even more money (eg. miners can make that cool blue armor, that sells for 2,5g at AH).

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:32 am
by garazdawi
The best way for a lowlevel herb/alch to get money is to farm swiftness pots and sell them at AH. They usually go for crazy prices as they are used quite frequently in PvP. Free action pots are only very good to sell at AH.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:58 am
by Brynn
That's right, I'm earning a LOT on sfiwtness potions... Good, good :)

It is said that the best places to grind are instances - don't know about you, but I found that the Stockade really doesn't worth the time, even the Deadmines are better!
However, last night I went to Razrofen Kraul with a 41 Warrior, we swept through the whole dungeon relatively quickly and wihtouth too mcuh effort (died onyl once, I hate TAB :mad: ), and I found the Wind Spirit Staff and got these as a quest reward :)

So it was a successful run-through, I can say. Running throurh instances only worth it if you're much higher lvl then the recommended - it's a pain doing it for hours... Running through them and collect the greens/blues are much more fun :D

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:54 am
by Rob-hin
Did so in the DM last nigh... need to find some items to disenchant, expensive hobby. :o

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:20 pm
by furmy
lol first day i got WoW, i chose a dwarf hunter, and the second i spawned in Coldridge, some level 60 dwarf hunta came up to me and we started a convesation and he helped me out with the game. I asked him how much money he had and he said he had almost 10,000g - to prove it, he gave me 300 gold. There I was, a Level 1 Dwarf Hunter with 300 gold. I am a happy happy happy happy happy happy person :D

but other than that, char classes that use cloth/leather armor usually have more gold cuz they dont have to spend so much on armor. I can imagine that mages have lots o $$$ cuz they dont need powerful weapons, dont need much armor, and dont need to buy food cuz they can summon it.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 10:10 pm
by Xandax
Heh - my main character is now going broke after a week of rading Azurogos(where we wiped hard and often) and Molten Core (Where we blazed through Lucifron but wiped on Magmada).
Repair cost was through the roof, and the usage of herbs for potions and power crystals left my bank empty :D

Need to find some place where my priest can earn some decent money :)

It can be hard for casual players to keep up with the money spend.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:18 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=furmy]lol first day i got WoW, i chose a dwarf hunter, and the second i spawned in Coldridge, some level 60 dwarf hunta came up to me and we started a convesation and he helped me out with the game. I asked him how much money he had and he said he had almost 10,000g - to prove it, he gave me 300 gold. There I was, a Level 1 Dwarf Hunter with 300 gold. I am a happy happy happy happy happy happy person :D [/QUOTE]
Good lord! :eek: That saved you from a LOT of trouble, you can already buy three different kind of mounts :D