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set items on normal--worth it?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:39 am
by Luther
I'm still playing on normal, lvl 27 Paladin. I'm trying to upgrade all the gems I'm finding but so far I haven't got any past the middle standard gem. With the addition of runes I'm trying to upgrade, my stash is bursting. I've found two gloves and a scimitar from some sets, sorry I don't remember the names, that are okay, but not worth actually using yet. Is it worth it to keep these items around in normal? Will I actually ever complete the sets or even find another piece of the same set? I'm thinking of just selling them to make room in the stash.
Items are definitely one of the coolest things about Diablo but the inventory management is a b***h.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:36 am
by =[HC]=Sv.Trojan
If you want you can go to and download ATMA V. You can save all items that you find so you dont have to sell them. It is not a cheat just some helping tool, because you will find leater much more cool items and you will not have enought room for them in a inventory.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:10 pm
by C Elegans
@Luther: You can only use Atma if you play single player, not if you play online at Battlenet. If you play on Bnet, as I do, you simply have to create "mules", characters you use only for storage of items.
Generally, set items you find in normal are not very good later in the game. Sigon's set is very useful for levelling new chars, and the boots and gloves together can be used by many chars until relatively high level since they have good mods (IAS, str) et. Sander's gloves and boots are also nice early on, and Angelic rings can be useful. You seem to find Angelic sabre though, and that is worthless. The only reason to keep it that having items from one set increases the chance to find other items from the same set.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:20 pm
by Robnark
I agree, although there are some nice set items on normal (my necromancer's wearing sander's gloves at the moment) they're only really good on their own merits for spare inventory slots. it's not easy collecting a full set on your own, and if you're going to try and do it, only do it for the set that is the set for your character - and there are better ones later, without a doubt.
and while having items from a set does seem to increase the drop chance for that set's items, I have a warning: due to my hugely boosted magic find chance and strange luck, yesterday I ended up with three isenhart's cases in lower kurast. I'm not sure if I could face intentionally subjecting myself to that again...