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KotOR III Character and Class Ideas

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:09 pm
by sith666
What are your ideas for KOTOR III that pertain to characters and classes. I have a few ideas.

1. You can pick your species
2. pick your class, not only jedi or sith but also maybe bounty hunter or something like that
3. pick your characters facial and body features and starting clothes

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:38 pm
by Jedi Thomas
For sure

For sure they should let your main be of another species. I wouldnt mind being a twi'lek myself.

For class, the only class I would want to play is the Jedi Guardian. Other than that I dont care.

Appearance customizations would be a great addition. And they should do more that just let you customise your face. They should allow you to choose your height within a range. Your physical appearance ei. How fat or muscular you are.

Although this may not have to do with the player a Lightsabe hilt customizer should be added.

You should also be allowed to make your character amputated with robotic arm's or legs. Even maybe with a bionic eye. I would love to be a jedi with an arm like Boa Dur.

I do doubt the developers that make Kotor III will change much from the origional Kotor's in terms of character creation and game play. But you never know they might actually want to go the extra mile or two but I just hope they dont attempt it and then have to cut it short because of time like they had to in Kotor II.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:57 pm
by Darth Zenemij
To much complication, IMHO, and really, I don't see any of it nececarry at all. It would be much to hard to customize almost every little character on the game. I think its fine the way itt is really.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:06 pm
by yoyopogo104
i think it would be great to be able to customize my character in detail, like in Tony Hawk's games (my character i made on that game looked almost exactly like me! :D ). i mean, height, thickness (large/skinny), hair style (ok, i know, this is really detailed, but awesome!) etc...hey, maybe even eye color? :D haha, that mayb be asking too much of the next KOTOR team, but one other thing id like to see is to be able to hear your character talk out loud when u choose their lines, actually have a variety of voice types to choose from (oh, British/Italian accent would be so cool!) *is in heaven just thinkin of the possibilities* yeah...

hm, what else...oh, yeah, if u were a diff species they should let u pick ur skin color (like orange/blue/purple/green twi'lekk) and as for the classes i really dont care. as long as i can master one thing in particular, being the force, combat, diplomatic skills, or a combo of some.

and clothes? dont even get me started...full customization of robe (maybe u have to get to a certain level to get this)...and how come bastila got to wear that awesome outfit? id like to get one like that for my jedi!

and more awsome lightsaber hilts, please!!! (we've already got an array of colors to choose from :rolleyes: )

so, neways, LOTS-N-LOTS of customization would be tight!

then again...u can always choose a "pre-made" jedi...

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:24 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I wouldnt go into really that much detail. I mean, different species and stuff, sure, but could you imagine the slower times in the game if facial details and body sizes were that detailed? Different charcters would be great! (I wanna play an Iridorian), but I think the pre picked faces are fine.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:45 am
by Revan_Reborn225
I'd love to see a lot of customization options...I mostly hate all the faces they give as options (there've only been two or three I've liked of each gender)...I'm not worried about overloading anything because the new KOTOR would be for the Xbox 360 which has more graphics capacity than the computer I'm using to post on this board =P...

different species would be great, as well as hair/height/build options...maybe even something for tatoos so you can make your own little Darth Maul (not really, but you get the idea, I hope)...

I think your lightsaber hilt should change as you put different upgrades in it. The crystals should actually change how your blade looks too. Like the Barat Ore Ingot description said that lightsabers almost looked like they were losing cohesion, but my blade looked exactly the same...

Classes should be about the can't go wrong with Guardian/Sentinel/Guardian though I think the classes should separate more...each time I played the game I always ended up pretty much the same. I think Guardians should get 1 feat per level and one power per 3 and when they get the power they should get 2 feats kind of like the consular getting 2 powers with the feat every 3 levels...Sentinels should get one feat then one force power and every 3 levels they get 2 of one or the other depending on which is higher (strength/dexterity, wisdom/charisma)...consulars should stay the same...

prestige classes should stay the same except they should be recognized as prestige classes and they should have bonuses accordingly...I would go up to the Jedi Masters as a Sith Lord and they would just treat me as their own when I just slaughtered a bunch of people in front of them using Force Storm...btw...when I became a Sith Lord I really thought I'd get a better boost than Dark Side Corruption or Crush Opposition...I mean...I'm a Sith Lord...a Sith Lord who is an echo in the Force for God's sake...shouldn't I be absolutely badass by that point????

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:51 pm
by Unbrow
I think it would be fun if you started as a kid like a normal jedi but when you pick your character you pick an adult for the kid to grow up to be and it can be like a twilek or a cathar if that's what you're into. It would also be cool if you started an a different planet according to class and species choices.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:38 pm
by Mandalorianx
i hope there are the same classes as it was on kotor1 like scout,smugler and soldier(or warriors) :)

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:11 pm
by Mandalorianx
oki first of all im not good in english and i hope you'll understand me(i hope so)

i hope we can make our own clothe that we begin see all of your char in your party have ther own type of cloth.well im just dreaming, it would be to much. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:57 pm
by Chanak
@Mandalorianx: Next time, instead of posting two consecutive posts, simply edit your first one and add more to it.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:15 pm
by the torturedOne
I would prefer that they focus on game play and story exclusively. Things like lightsaber hilts and different colored eyes are nice, but the modding community did all of these things fantastically. Give it to us where it counts, and let those receptive to demand worry about things like feature tweaks and lightsaber colors.

more variety is nice, but not essential, and variety for the sake of variety is wasteful. Different races? meh, I'd rather them stick with human and focus on a gripping romance arc or something.

so if anything, make a modding tool that is easily accessible and easy enough for beginners to use, but something detailed enough for people who want to get hardcore.

One thing I would like to see changed, is distinction between Jedi classes. Playing a Consular or Guardian seemed the same, with only minor tweaks. Make them hyper-specialized, to the point where a Consular or sentinel would get owned soundly by, say, a guardian. Making the classes distinct would add to the way a character approaches the game.

and I am not familiar with the D20 star wars system. Are the 6 Jedi classes in KOTOR2 the only ones in the game? what else is there?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:41 pm
by Darth Yanza
1.You choose your class but like kotor 1 i would like to start like with no force powers at the begining..and i would like to start the game as a mandalorian

2.Create you character and his clothes

3.New Class like Padawan, Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, Scout, Commando, Elite Jedi/Elite Sith, Mandalorian General

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:33 pm
by Macen Press
All that is mentioned is great but, i know this will sound stupid but i would like to have some way of repainting ur ship to have ur own colours or even 3 ships that u could choose from.

O And having ur own face on the game would be so amazing.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 12:55 am
by Darth_Osonus
Good Idea,sith666!!!!!!!nice Work!!!!!!!!

I agree with sith666.I think you should:

1. You can pick your species
2. pick your class, not only jedi or sith but also maybe bounty hunter or something like that
3. pick your characters facial and body features and starting clothes

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:50 am
by riotfellow
My idea would be u would be able to choose ur own species and possibly some extra character customisation.

Then i would like class development like in KOTOR 1 but with prestige classes and no lvl cap like in KOTOR 2.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:02 pm
by Darth_Valgrath
Yes, a lightsaber hilt customizer in the workbench would be cool.
The race and general appearance selection is also a great idea.

When you reach high levels of the Sith you should be able to change your starting name into Darth Something... Like a rank and a name. You know, Anakin Skywalker and then Darth Vader.
For the light side you can add a "Master" before it.

Another class should be a Selkath Merchant...:laugh: just joking. ;)

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:12 pm
by RBitG
[QUOTE=Darth_Valgrath]Yes, a lightsaber hilt customizer in the workbench would be cool.
The race and general appearance selection is also a great idea.

When you reach high levels of the Sith you should be able to change your starting name into Darth Something... Like a rank and a name. You know, Anakin Skywalker and then Darth Vader.
For the light side you can add a "Master" before it.

Another class should be a Selkath Merchant...:laugh: just joking. ;) [/QUOTE]

Yes, becoming more Sith/Jedi-esque would be great, along with (As somebody may have already suggested) more specialised classes, and having some difference between the light and the dark sides. At the end of K2, wether you choose light or dark is of no real consequence, as you can still use both sets of force powers, due to the ridiculous amount of force points you aquire. I hated this, as it made the game ridiculously bland.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:55 pm
by DesR85
When you reach high levels of the Sith you should be able to change your starting name into Darth Something... Like a rank and a name. You know, Anakin Skywalker and then Darth Vader.
For the light side you can add a "Master" before it.

Oh yeah, that sounds good. Also if NPCs address you as either 'Master' or 'Darth', it be neat since they know you've reached those status.

As for classes, I don't know how to say this but what about certain specialised classes for both Sith and Jedi like a Jedi tech specialist for example who is a Force user plus a tech specialist combined so that at least you'll be able to solve technical puzzles and problems.

Or maybe a Jedi sniper who has the ability to use a sniper rifle aside from a lightsaber.

I think my ideas sound a wee bit off but that's the best I can think off.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:39 pm
by zander811
I love the idea to become a Master- or Darth-something, great idea. If it's added to the game it'd be a great addition; would show it has at least some depth. Also, and this will probably be a factor of becoming a master or dark lord, but I would like to be able to teach/be taught by another jedi. It'd be cool, and easy, considering the last 2 games already had it basically (Bastilla and Keira taught, and you could pretty much coach the rest of your party).

Lightsabers would be GREAT to customize at the workbench. I mean, c'mon, if you're gonna take the thing apart to put new crystals in it that often, you should have no problem giving it a new handle, or new case, or w/e.

While on the subject of customizing while at a workbench, I think armour should also be customizable. When you added a layer or covering last 2 games, there was no difference. Odd.

Also, if you put a scope on a blaster, you should see a scope on the blaster. Just little things that could help make the game better, but obviously a good storyline w/ less glitches is better.

Another thing that could help the gameplay would be double fighting, where if you or the person you're fighting against is fighting against 2 people, you could fight like dooku did in episode III against anakin and obi-wan. I hate having to kill everyone in a group of 5 person by person while my back's getting hacked up.

Finally, I think that although this is a minor detail, very minor, I still think that it's simple to do, and would make it more realistic: charging. When a jedi has his lightsaber out, it's usually for good reason, right? Then why would you just be jogging if you have your lightsaber on? Charging really wasn't needed in the last games, but in the next one, I wouldn't mind being able to run like a jedi going into battle when I have my lightsaber out, like out to the side, much like in Battlefront II when you sprint as a jedi, except shorter strides. Just a small thing that wouldn't take too long to put in.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:10 pm
by Dack

I agree with Jedi Thomas, i think the customozation should be the same as Star wars galaxies, Choose class, height, weight, profession etc.