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Very Frustrated

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:39 pm
by groverP
From the cavern floor going west found small side dungeon.In the dungeon puzzle,I was able to activate the pressure panels in all the floors until I reached the final floor. The center pressure plate semed to activate but it did not release an exit to the outside shallow pool.I tried moving around this room,opening and closing both levers located there along win stepping on all areas that may complete the activation. I have run out of options and need some much needed help to get out of the dungeon and proceed onto the dark forrest- Thanks in advance for any help I may receive

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:38 am
by tom the terribl
crystal caven puzzle

Try droping items or some money on all plates. Then the final room door opens to access some chests. One chest has a fury eye for the online game Trial of Gallus. If you have followers don't use "z" to pick up because they may go upstairs to grap some stuff and lock you downstairs. If that happens just have them stand on the plate and tell them to hold.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:30 am
by Xiryith
Everytime you pull a lever the door connected to that lever will remain open, so you dont have to make your party members stand on the plates all the time.