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Any tips for someone who just bought the game?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:25 pm
by Ravager
I only just bought this game today and haven't tried it yet. Does anyone have any general tips for me on this game?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:26 pm
by Siberys
I think you have a max of 8 or 9 members in your party, so, seeings how archers are so freakin broke, get lke 5 of them, 2 pack mules, and yourself for the entire party. You will beat the game so easily.

Obviously this is for when you obtain new party members.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:35 pm
by DaveO
Dungeon Siege tips

I think the best way to start the game is as a Mage. You will need higher strength points(up to STR 15) to wear and use most of the common gloves, shields, headgear. The best way to get a Mage up in strength is to melee against monsters. The early critters are fairly easy, so I'd melee against the single digit hit point monsters and cast spells on the ones over 10 hit points. Once you get a Hack(need 12 STR to use) you can melee higher hit point monsters. Do this until level 10 in melee(usually takes until the Dwarven Mines) but also make sure you're not unbalancing your mage abilities too much.

I'd make this mage a duel nature and combat mage. You only need two mages for this game in my opinion so you might as well have a decent character built by the time you run into the free nature mage much later.

For an overall party, 3 fighters, 2 archers, and 2 mages are all you need plus a packmule if you desire(though on Normal and Hard difficulties, you'll have more gold than you'll ever spend after the first chapter or two). If you don't want a packmule, I'd put in 4 fighters for the group.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:20 pm
by tom the terribl
About DS

Fighting all a path is not the only way to fnd items. Search from wall to wall and sometimes there is a cave or other suprises. Some place very difficult paths to other side tribes.

DS has some bugs. Download fairyfix.dsres from many sites and put it into the resource folder.

Use the cheat codes to not die in the bad fights. Type enter +zool enter to become unvincible. Type enter -zool enter to end the cheat code. Highlight the players before typing the cheat code.

Go to heaven games to view all cheat codes you may find some useful.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:19 am
by Ravager
Thanks for your replies

I probably will go for some kind of melee fighter as I generally prefer to go melee over magic the first time through a game.

I'll try to steer clear of the cheat codes for now :) and see if I can find a patch for the game. Then it's just trying to get the game working under Windows XP. Just because it says it will work and it is a Microsoft game I'm not convinced :p .
seeings how archers are so freakin broke, get lke 5 of them, 2 pack mules, and yourself for the entire party. You will beat the game so easily.

So I should avoid archers, but what did you mean 'Ike 5' (I am completely new to this game :) ).

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:32 am
by Siberys
Sorry, typos.

Broke- Insanely strong.

lke- Like 5 archers.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:13 pm
by Ravager
:p I started the game. It seems pretty good like a cross between Morrowind and Summoner. I completed the fight against the obligatory giant spider.

Thanks for the advice, everyone! :p

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:17 pm
by Ravager
I'm being told to turn off the computer, now. :(

The perils of being a student relying on other people's internet connections (free for me! :) ) .

I'll probably be online again in the morning around 8.30AM GMT+1 and/or the evening.