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What languages/species should be in KOTOR 3
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:16 am
by TheOne3
Now who do ya'll think should be on Kotor 3 i mean on the first one we had mission who is a twilek in our party on the second one we had all humans xept for the robots of course but who do you want to see either in your party or in the game itself like more aliens more humans or like spanish aliens? cuz then some of us couls actually listen instead of readin

but seriously did you have a problem with some species that you wouldnt mind not seeing in the third one?
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:22 am
by Siberys
First off, how about a FULL out creation system. In D20 Star Wars rules which they were semi going for, you could have a friggin Ewok be a Jedi. I suggest MANY races.
-Gungans (Note: Yes. I hate Jar Jar. But wouldn't it be funny to see what they do to the race. IE: +2 Dexterity. -2 Wisdom per se?)
-Whatever race Yoda was.
For starters. I know there are tons more, but these would be good. Hehe, an Ewok Jedi, now that would be cool. Languages, nah. Too complicated for the game. Stick to good ol common an it wouldn't make much of a difference to the game.
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 1:43 am
by Unbrow
Other people in other threads have probably said this but i think that the main character should be able to be different kinds of aliens.
-maybe wookie (if that's possible)
Just different for a change.
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:33 am
by Macen Press
Use more species that havent been used as much such as trandoschians and if the the game was set after the trilogy then the yuuzhang vong or what ever it is now that would be good.
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:41 am
by Chanak
[QUOTE=Unbrow]Other people in other threads have probably said this but i think that the main character should be able to be different kinds of aliens.[/QUOTE]
Quite right. Using the search function - or just browsing some of the larger threads here - one can find where this discussion has taken place.
@TheOne: I am closing this thread. In the future, before you start a thread, please make sure the subject isn't already covered in another thread.