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Sets Bonus Final Stats (spoiler)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:24 pm
by Conde Dooku
Night' shadow Set Melee set 5/5

7% Heal steal
12% chance to dodge melee attack
+2 Critical strike, Dual Wield, and alacrity.
+40% chance to find magic Items
+14 melee damage
+6 armor


Eternal Grace Set 'Ranger set' 4/4

+22 Dexterity
+35 Armor
+10% melee resistance
+1 to ranged skills


Thena's serenity Set 'Nature Caster set' 4/4

+8 intelligence
+40 mana
+10% magic damage resistance
+2 to summon fortitude, summon might and summon bond
+2 to Nurturing gift, emveloping embrace, and feral Warth
+5 armor


Secrets of forgoten Set

+5% magic steal
+6% magic damage resistance
+40% to find magic Items


Silks Of the Master Set 'Caster set' 4/4

+8 Intelligence
+20% Nature Magic Damage
+20% Combat Magic Damage
8% mana steal
+8 armor

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:23 pm
by Conde Dooku

Ghostly vision Set 'All chars set' 3/3(yes, i do the fully Ghost vision Quest, all the long way, Sigh*)

+15% heal regeneration
+15% Mana Regeneration
+20 armor
+8% Magic damage resistance

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:43 am
by Dreez
From what i can tell, alot of us who are currently playing
this game have either finished it or are about to.
So what i´d like to know is that if its anyone that has
found any nice set-items or possibly a full set of something.
My coolest set sofar must be the one used by my halfgiant
thats a really nice set for melee chars, and of yellow color.

Does anyone know of any site where i can get info about
all diffrent types of sets and their bonuses ?, would be
nice to know if they are accualy worth collecting.

Another thing that i also wich to know is where i would
find a 4:th partymember which are skilled in ranged attack
since i´ve yet to find such a character.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:09 am
by Conde Dooku
well... thats why i was trying to collect them, to make the frist list. but if you can find a web already have them, post it, less work for me.

Ranged party members are on the first act, one at town, a driad on the North Gate, and the second is the guy you find when you doing island scape quest, can remember the names at this moment.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:35 am
by HeadBass
hmmm...nice sets...especially the Night' shadow Set...would be handy for my melee half-giant ;o]

btw are those set for certain classes or all classes can use them?....I will probably find the answer before u post it here cause I will start the game in a while, but others may want it too. If it's class orieneted could u please add the clasess to the sets info pls?

nice work btw

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:43 am
by Conde Dooku
MIsterous Set 'All chars' 3/3

Find for yourselfs , is fun :P